[12] Mystery Man

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Susheela's pov,

Dammit! Where the hell is Garima? She told me to wait here and now she became Mr. India.

"Aahhh... mummy" a bike recklessly stop near me. Just a inch apart from hitting.

"Ooye... if you don't know how to ride a bike then why you come out from your house to do this heropanti?" i shouted angrily

The biker took off his helmet and-


"Yes my love! Its me!" He said

"oh my god Kartik! when did you came back? You went to Lucknow right?" i asked

"actually i was not feeling good there, away from you" he replied

"Tch... you should have atleast waited to meet your parents na."

"My parents will take two more to come from from the wedding and Don't worry i have transferred my each and every responsibility to my little brother." he said with his charming smile

"You have a younger brother?" i asked in surprise

"Yes.... his name is-

Madam.... madam.... wake up.

"huh" i opened my eyes as the women sitting beside me shook me a little.

Shit! I didn't realised when i slept after coming back to my seat.

"The bus will wait here for half an hour" the handyman announced.

Right now we are infront of a dhaba. I don't feel like having anything but to visit the washroom once.

I moved out of the bus. Suddenly i feel like someone is following me.

A women in yellow and black suit. She was sitting two rows behind me in the bus. But i didn't felt suspicious during the journey then why now she is keeping an eye on me.

I came out after the business and went towards  the small shop in the opposite side road. It feels so strange. Once side of the road is full with people while the other side is dark, deserted.

"Bhaiya, one water bottle" i bought a bottle and took steps towards the bus when-

"aah....leave me" 

"Ssh... not a single words.... what is the matter huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Abbey....don't try to be over smart. Why are you following me? From the bus to the washroom and then to here. What's going on in your mind?" i asked the women by dragging her to the side. I know she followed me even to either side.

"Please leave me" she said softly

"Really. You are stalking me. You know na that it's a crime. Do you even know who i am? I come from a policeman's family. Just one call and you will be behind the bars for life. Tell me why you are doing this?" i know... i know i lied but still.... it was important to be harsh at that moment.

"I .... i was told to do this." Finally she was opening her mouth

"Who told you to do this?" i shouted

"I don't know his name. He is....he..was in the bus.. the one in black shirt. He told me keep an eye on you and to inform him " i finally left her arm which i was holding tightly till now

"Now get lost!" I said and quickly ran towards the other people.

Why someone would follow me?

I got back to my seat. I don't know what was happening around me. I know everything was a lie but now its suffocating.

"Neil Nanda? Who are you in real?" Was this suspense not enough that now this mystery man.

I peeped back time to time to see that man but only his shirt was visible to me.


In the mid i realised that we were on the highway. The bright lights from the outer side ruined my sleep. I moved my head a little when i saw i was sitting alone. Where the woman has gone? Tch... none of my concern.

Its morning 4 am. I opened my eyes as we reached the destination. I took my hand bag and the other bag and moved out from the bus with other travellers.  

A little distance ahead i saw few taxis. I walked towards them but was aware of that man. He is still following me. I was quite all this time as it was a different place but now its enough of my patience.

I turned back and he quickly hid himself behind an another taxi. Is he trying to play hide and seek with me?

"Hey you!" i shouted and he started running

"Hey wait you bastard" i shouted but suddenly a truck came in the middle and he took the advantage.


My eyes fell on a piece of paper. It fell from his pocket i guess. Picking it up my i read the name. It was business card.

"Mr. A. Rawat" who is he?

"Love you zindegi...
Love you zindegi..."

Tch.. why do i always forget to change my bloody ringtone?

"Hello!" i said


"Neil.... you? why are calling me from a different number? "

"Di...I saw him... he is alive!" he was stammering

"Alive? Who?"

"Di... that man Ashok" he said and decline the call

"what? hello..hello...fuck"

What the hell is happening? First he lied and now he is telling me that that man is alive.

Just a second... but Neil never saw him!


HELLO 🙋‍♀️




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