So Yeah I'm Going To Be Starting A Rant Book! So Don't Mind Me Capitalizing Everything In This Part I Won't In The Text! Thanks For Reading ;3 Remember "Pretty Hurts" ~ Beyonce Don't Try To Hard!
Hello! I hope whatever i write doesn't annoy you. Well so today i was in a group at the in of the day "Idea" don't ask! so these girls started pilfering through a friend of mine's desk and then they went and threw away here cranberry juice and i'm just like what.. the... actual... fuck! So um yeah i know that it isn't very important but yeah. So were gonna call these girls Gertrude, Tuffy, Jurko And Tayti because why not? so don't be Gertrude, Tuffy, Jurko and Tayti their horrible! We don't need anymore drama then their is! so yeah that's it for my rant today bye!
So I Hope You Liked My First Rant And I'm Sorry About The First Book My Sister Got On And Yeah You Can Think Of What Happens Next! Well Bye!
SarcasticHomosapien's Wonderful Rants.
RandomThis Book Is About Rants So Don't Complain If You Don't Like Them Or Think Its A Stupid Topic Its My Opinion And I Will Express It Thanks!