Coming Back (Lucy)

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Hey we are back. I know it has only been a week but I guess you need to find out what happened to Natsu. Sigh. I guess it is time.

I was walking to the guild still sad. I can not believe it still. It is like one minute it is here the next minute not. Sigh. Everyone in the guild has been sad since they heard the news. Gray and Juvia are out on missions to keep busy and not think about it. Mira has Family/Laxus things. Erza is too preoccupied with Jellal to keep her mind off it. Happy has been sulking and the rest of the guild is sad and wondering because we will not tell the what happened just that it happened. We came back and told them what happens and why and they just started balling. No one really wanted to believe it just yet but when master announced it true they just could not stop crying.

I keep walking with my face in a frown and take a walk around Magnolia to clear my head. I have been letting my spirits out a lot so that they can breath I know a human year is not much for them but still a good idea. I sit down by a tree in the park and start to cry. It is the two month anniversary and I just can't stop crying. I missed the waking up next to him and the kicking him out after he calls me weird. We can't do that anymore. At least we got together before this.

I get up and start to walk to the guild. I walk in and is met by sad faces. "So the mission is going to be Lucy, Erza, Jellal, Wendy, Gajeel, Levy and a person who is not HERE!" Master grumbles something. Everyone who is going knows who the last person is. I just can't believe we are leaving again and that he is not here. Sigh. "You will be leaving tomorrow morning for kings cross so pack tonight." I wonder to the bar talk to Cana, Lisanna and Wendy. I then leave around five so I can pack. When I get to my apartment I see Happy crying on my bed.

"Do you Have to go?" He asks me crying,

"Yes I do. I have to do this to finish Rouge. Natsu would not be happy if I didn't." I say feeling sader. Happy starts crying more. "I am going to miss you so much." I say to him. I start to pack with Happy crying on my shoulder. Once I am done I see Taft Happy has fallen asleep. I get a small smile and i change and get into bed. I start to drift off to sleep.

Line freaking break and I am mean ha ha Ha.

Next morning

I am walking to the guild with happy. Happy will say with Lisanna well I am gone. There I see everyone except for one person. I look around and he is not there. Then I hear the familiar voice behind me calling me. I turn and see the pink head of hair and onyx eyes.

"Hey Natsu" I call. He sees me and smiles that crooked smile. I remember when I thought he was dead.

Flash back

I saw Harry coming back witha dead Natsu and Cedric. We all saw him like that and ran to the front. I saw Natsu's eyes closed. Normally you don't close your eyes when you die and Natsu would have fought until he could not go on. So his eyes should be open. I turn to Laxus "He is not dead so make good use of your promise."

Everyone around me looked at me like I was crazy. Laxus started to walk to Natsu. He lightly moved Harry's arm and punched Natsu in the stomach. "What are you doing?" Harry yelled.

The rest of the people there looked appalled about what he did. Punching a dead guy and I get it he is dead so you don't need to "hurt" him more. After he was punched Natsu moved his arms to clinch his stomach.

"Laxus that hurt" Natsu groans. The whole crowd gasps seeing someone that was dead move.

"I made a promise that if you die I would beat you up. And you looked dead and we were freaking out until Lucy noticed something. So get up we need to get you to Wendy."

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