━━ twenty six

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❝ little lies ❞



While adoring the flowers in their garden,Rindou silently glance at his daughter who's making a paper plane.

"Y/N." He called the blonde girl who looked up confusedly at him

"We will visit someone today." Rindou informed making Y/N furrow her brows

"But I want to stay here!" She stubbornly disagree while pouting

"I don't have time for your stubbornness Y/N." He sighed and walk towards her to drag her to their room

"I said I don't want to!!" Y/N once again shouted and turn her head away from her father

"Y/N." He sternly warmed at the sandy blonde girl who placed down her paper plane and followed her father behind


"Where are you guys going?" Ran asked placing down Rai who just finished taking a bath

"Somewhere." Rindou replied shortly,Ran raised a brow at this and decided to ignore it thinking that Rindou is just in the mood today.

"I want to play..." Y/N tugged at her father's pants to earn his attention

Her father ignored her making her pout in annoyance,meanwhile Ran furrowed his brows at this

"Rindou,what are you really planning?" Ran gripped the towel tightly in his hands

"It's none of your business." Rindou put on his shoes to exit the house

"Didn't we talked about this already?!!" Ran slightly raised his voice at his younger brother,both cousins looked up to both of their father with concerned look painted on their face

It was rare to see them fighting especially since they never saw them fight like this before.

Y/N couldn't understand a single thing.

All she could do is watch them shout at each other

"Fuck off! She's better in there!" Rindou yelled back at his brother

"You don't fucking understand my point rindou! If you leave her there-" Rindou don't give a single shit about his brother anymore,the only thing that he thinks about right now is Y/N

𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 ; H. RindouWhere stories live. Discover now