Music, also know as my life

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My life is about one thing only. Music. Its my life and i love it, its the one thing that is always there for me. This is how my love affair started.

I was three and my dad had played me music to get me to go to sleep night. It had worked so he played me a song every night. Thats when it started. Know I'm 16 and i cant go to sleep without listening to music. My mom thinks im weird. She thinks i will never get married because of it. Or if i do we'll have to sleep in different rooms. But i don't care its not my fault its my dads so dont blam me blam him.

I dont get so bad grades. The reason again is because of music. Its in my head all the time. I tell my teachers that and they think im lying. My average is C and B. The only class i do good in is music. I get good grades and love it. Its my fav. 

My life is OK its not great. At home my mom is very strict. She grounds me for using improper gramer. My parents are divorced. I spend weekends in miami with my dad and weekdays in new jersey with my mom. My dad isnt how he used to be. He used to be happy and fun but now he just keeps to himself. So when im there its like im living by myself. I cook my own meals, i wash my own clothes, pretty much everything. Im very independent.

The great thing is my dad is filthy rich. So he buys me expensive things like an iphone 4 ( he buys me a new one every year, last year i had an iphone 3gs.), also i have a purple nano( that is always in my ears.), and i have a flat screen tv in my miami bedroom. And you n=know what i live completely different lives so i appercate every thing i get. ( btw that means im not spoiled )

"Pheobe!" Ms. Aslanna yelled. " What" i said frazzeled. No matter whst i did i couldnt get that song out of my head. It goes " All my life ive been good but now ohhhhhh What the hell!" by avril. " excuse me, you better start showing me some self respect or its detention for you young lady." She snaped back. " Yes ma'm im sorry." i replied. " Since you were paying such good attention you can tell us where we left off Pheobe." Ms. Aslanna said so kindly. (note the sarcasusm) "Ummmmmm we left off on ..........." i trailed off. " 7" my friend Kathleen whispered to me. " 7" i said proudly. " thank you Pheobe now where were we?" Ms. Aslanna said. " thanks." I whispered back to Kathleen. " your welcome, you always count on me." she replied quietly. Ms. Aslanna carried on for a long time but i barrly knew what she was talking about. I think how to do somthing complicated with fractions. The rest of the day was a blur.

When i got to school the next morning i was so amazed when i saw him.


Bwahaha cliff hanger! stick around 4 the end! 

Peace.Love. and Music

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2011 ⏰

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