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Bakugou has never really felt the feeling of infatuation, attraction, liking someone romantically, or what lots of us like to call falling in love before. He always assumed that it was a joke or that people just lied about it. He usually spend his time reading romance novels and mangas to try to understand why people fell in love but every time he'd try, he'd just get more confused,

       "THAT'S SO OBVIOUS" he yelled.

       "The girl is so dense, it was so obvious he liked her" he continued as he flipped the pages of his book. Bakugou was laying down on his bed

       "If you have feelings for someone you should just outright say it! What's so scary about that?" He questioned.

He shook his head in annoyance when he read the next page. The main character had run into her crush on the roof where they normally meet for lunch and she got surprised by him, it's when after they awkwardly greet each other they sit on the bench and share a bento box. The boy had complimented her hair and the mc blushed hard.       In a way he was jealous, jealous that so many people seem to be in such happy relationships with the people that they love, Mrs. Joke and Mr. Aizawa, Uraraka and Iida, Sero and Mina, Jirou and Momo, etc. He felt so left out and at some point started to believe that he was unlovable. It hit hard after Kirishima and Denki told the class that they were officially dating because that meant that his best friends wouldn't spend as much time with him as they used to. Of course, it's not like Bakugou wanted them around in the first place but he still missed them in his own way.       "Fuck, why do I constantly push people away? I'm such a fucking idiot" Bakugou began to think.       "I'm such an asshole all the time and I never once try to be nice"       "Am I even worthy of being loved? Am I even worthy to have the friends that I do? Maybe I'm just getting pitied" It was extremely frustrating for him especially since he never got an answer. Tears silently fell down his cheeks as he continued to bash himself about how he doesn't deserve to be loved.        "Tch, this is so corny and stupid" he muttered to himself before launching the book to the other side of his room with a surprisingly loud thud. A few seconds later, a soft knock was heard from the other side of his door.       "Kacchan? Are you okay?"His heart sped up.      

        "GO AWAY STUPID DEKU" Bakugou yelled as he quickly wiped his tear tracks.

       "I-I just heard a loud thud, I just wanted to make sure you weren't hurt or anything" Midoriya spoke softly.

The time was currently 3:24 am and everyone was in their respective rooms sleeping soundly with an exception of 2 of his classmates having a quiet slumber party. Midoriya was standing outside Bakugou's door in his PJs with a worried look plastered on his face. He had been working out in his room just a few seconds before he heard the loud sound and that's when he decided to check on his childhood friend.

Midoriya wondered what was currently going on in Bakugou's room, in Bakugou's mind. Maybe he was overreacting, maybe something just fell off his dresser.

       "Are you okay Kacchan?" He asked softly again, he waited for another yelling response from Bakugou but got no answer instead.

       "Kacch-" the door swung open and Bakugou was already walking back towards his bed. Midoriya walked in cautiously, looking around and seeing how Bakugou had decorated his room. No one has seen his room except Kirishima and he had been sworn to secrecy by Bakugou to never say a word. Midoriya stared at the limited edition All Might figure that stood proudly at the edge of Bakugou's dresser.

'I'll have to steal that later, that's the only one that's not in my collection!' He thought.

       "What do you want Deku?" Bakugou gritted his teeth, nothing serious had happened except a loud noise, there was no yelp of pain or no audible voice screaming profanities. Just silence, so why is Deku even here? Anyone would've taken that as something just falling off a shelf or something, that happens sometimes.

"Unlovable" dkbk/bkdk oneshot ficWhere stories live. Discover now