Products 1:69

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The God of Products

As our lord and savior rose from the ashes of the slayed Gucci store, we decided that this day would forevermore be known as Slaymas. It is the time of shopping, where productiers would go to worship our gods, Jiafei, the god of products, and Cupcakke, the god of music.

We have a first hand account of someone who witnessed the amazing event over 69420 years ago, which will be displayed now.

"It was amazing. She threw a Gucci bag at me, and I just fell in love. I heard her scream, and I fell asleep. The next thing I remember, I woke up in a pile of riches and rags, with my lord and savior never to be slayed again."

The God of CPR

I watched in disbelief as I heard the Slurpers rushing towards me. There she was, throwing her poosay at the Slurpers, saving us all from dying. We all played CPR at the festivals as a thank you, and a reminder, that our god, the god of CPR, the god of Poosay, Cupcakke, will always be in our hearts, and in our cvm.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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