Chapter 18: Believe In Him!

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Today was the day.  All of the training with Ren, all of his hard work over the past 10 months, it was all about to come into light today.  He throws on his middle school uniform and his yellow backpack and makes his way towards the door.  He sits down on the steps to put on his shoes.  His mother approached him from the living room and watched him as he prepared to head to the U.A. entrance exams.  She stares at him in silence, her face smiling and full of pride.


"What...? I-I don't understand..." Izuku said to Ren. "I-I wasn't a match for you at all Sensei...  There was hardly a chance I could even win!"

"When did I ever say this test was about beating me?" Ren explained. "I said that I wanted see if you were ready to stand up on your own, to handle your own battles without the need for me of interfering or instructing."

Inko rushed over to Izuku and held him up.

"M-mom..." Izuku muttered.

"Izuku, the world of heroes is not always sunshine and rainbows." Ren commented.

Inko and Izuku both turn their attention to Ren.

"This responsibility comes with a lot of anguish and tragedy. As time goes on, you'll often have to fight against uneven odds, odds that may even have less than a 1% chance of victory." Ren explained. "You'll lose friends and comrades along the way, make hard decisions for the greater good, you may even have to sacrifice the things you want most. But as long as we continue to stand up for what's right, no matter how the odds are stacked against us, we can continue to inspire others to act. All it takes is one person who doesn't know how to give up. That was my test for you Izuku, and you passed it with flying colors."

Izuku's tears begin to flow down his face as he listens to Ren's words. Inko wipes away Izuku's tears.

"M-mom..."  Izuku said as he turned to face his mother.  "I-I guess I have some explaining to do, huh?"

Inko merely placed a finger on her son's lips.  She smiles and hugs him.

"Izuku... You were... So cool!"  Inko stated, looking up to her son's eyes as she smiles.

Izuku is taken aback slightly by her words as she released him, wiping away her own tears in the process.  She looks up at Izuku.

"You can explain everything to me once we're both back home."  Inko said before approaching Ren.  "Would you like to join us Ren-san?  I would like to have a talk to you as well.  You're Izuku's "Sensei" after all."

Ren looks at Izuku, who nods with a smile on his face.  Ren scratches the back of his head and sighs.

"If...  If you don't mind, then I'd love to..."  Ren replied.

"Alright then."  Inko said cheerfully.  "Now, let's go home Izuku.  We have to treat those injuries of yours!"

"Oh, don't worry about that.  I got it handled."  Ren said before being enveloped in a bright green flash.  "Clockwork!"


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