Chapter 3 - Just Another Wonderful Day At Work (PT2)

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Being crushed by a ceiling is not something anyone would probably want to be in, and as he laid there waiting for someone to come find him he found himself getting bored of just breathing.

So he decided to try and get up and out of the rubble crushing him, even if he does feel a whole fucking lot of pain on his chest.

He got out, fucking hurt but managed to get out of the rubble just fine. After just a few seconds of sitting in silence with a pounding feeling his head, which is probably from a dumb headache, he was attacked by a clingy child.

Once they're at home..

Tommy unceremoniously flopped onto the sofa, tired but excited for his and his brothers' nightly patrol.

Isaac went to their bedroom to change into comfortable clothing, so they can chill in their home in peace with no uncomfortably tight clothing bothering them.

Clementine was just on the reclining sofa they had and was watching TV.

The TV showed a recent 'hero versus villain' fight, the villain Jester against The Blade.

The Blade, for some reason, had a pickaxe instead of the infamous sword they held most of the time.

While the Jester had their cards that can surprisingly cut through almost any metal.

They fought, barely a fair fight. The Blade swinging his pickaxe from side to side, trying to hit Jester. While the Jester just threw their sharp cards, trying to hit that Blade and cut up the heroes' costume.

They fought for about 7 minutes or so, well that is before the Jester threw a smoke grenade onto the roof that they were both on then ran away.

Once the smoke cleared up, the Blade just went back to the heroes tower, which was at the centre of the Essempii City, after not seeing the villain anywhere.

Oh, and it turns out the fight happened at District 13 which is pretty far from District 1, which is where the hero tower is.

Anyways! After a few more hours, say around 11pm, the brothers decided to get ready for patrol.

They had already told Clementine about their night job as vigilantes and she was okay with it.

She just asked that they locked all the windows and doors and bring their keys with them, so she can sleep uninterrupted and feel safe about it.

The siblings were okay with the arrangement and went about on their patrol.

It was a quiet night, just a few attempted mugging here and there, as well as some attempted robberies.

But other than that, it was quiet.

Or at least that was until the SBI showed up at their district.

It was a weird situation the brothers were in, one minute they were just checking around the district another time around before heading back to the apartment to sleep, the next 'POOF!' the SB-fucking-I is here in the poorest district of the whole city.

The brothers were chased for a few minutes by the SBI, until in the distance they saw a fire at an apartment near their apartment.

The youngest was running on the rooftops like the ninjas from Naruto while the oldest used their wings to fly to the scene, the heroes didn't notice the fire on the building that both of the vigilantes were heading right towards to.

Once closer to the lit up apartment, thanks to the vigilante 'Mellohi' who they were chasing, they saw the lit up apartment and the vigilante 'Cat' trying to get all the people out of the building.

~| Mellohi and Cat |~    Vigilante Tommy AU (BEING REWRITTEN IN A NEW BOOK :D!)Where stories live. Discover now