Chapter 1 (Olivia)

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My eyes opened to pitch black darkness. I didn’t know what happened before the darkness. Then I heard voices. "It's to bad that such a pretty thing like her has to be experimented on." A male voice, then another, "I know it's a shame." Then the third voice, "how about this we just sedate her, then when she's asleep we can have our way with her."

Then the first one, "she's awake." They pinned me down in seconds. One of them removed my gag, and I screamed loud and hard. "Scream all you want no one can hear you." Said the second one. Suddenly something cold and wet was shoved against my face. I was shoved into sleep.

"From the looks of it, she's probably from the Moon Stone pack." "How do you know?" "Her moon tattoo on her shoulder." "Man she's sexy, can we fuck her now?" "No not yet."

The voices were unrecognizable from the drug they gave me. The sound of footsteps came close towards where I was bound. A small light was turned on. A platter of bread and a cup of water was placed in front of me.

"Eat." I recognized him as the second man. He had short copper hair, green eyes and freckles, if he wasn't trying to experiment on me, I would think that he's kinda cute. He also wore glasses. "Where's my necklace?" My voice horse from all the sedatives. "Oh this?" He taunted me by pulling it out of his pocket and swinging it in my face.

"Yes, give it back, please." I begged but he only laughed, "no I think I might just keep it, it will be a souvenir for taking you." The necklace was a gold necklace with a circle and a crescent moon overlapping, it was the cress of the royal family given to everyone in the pack. My parents gave it to me and promised that one day I would find my mate, but know I'm not so sure I'll survive long enough to find my mate.

My eyes burned and I looked away, I didn't want this man to see how weak I truly was. The man grabbed my face with a surprise gentleness, "God your beautiful." He whispered. His fingers sliding down my neck then into my shirt and then into my bra, and on my bare breasts. I was to scared to move, he dung his hand in. "You know what?" The man said, "you would look perfect on my bed naked, just picture it."

Then he dung both hands in massaging both my breasts, a look of lust crossed his face, his eyes glinting. "Please stop." I whispered. He frowned but took his hands out from my bra. "Fine, I'll save it for the auction." The words slapped me. "Auction?" I whispered. "Oh yes, in three days, we will be selling you at an auction, just think about how many people would want a wolf as a sex toy."

"So you're not wolves." He laughed, "oh honey we're hunters." Hunters I knew it. Humans and werewolves were at war for over sixteen years, I was two when the war started. Hunters were a group of humans that would do anything in there power to make wolves suffer for all the bloodshed in the war.

"You know what," said the man, "I would love to see you dressed as a slutty bunny at the auction." Then another look of lust crossed his face. He shoved my down hard against the table were I was sitting up with ropes tied on my arms and legs. He kissed me hard, then shoved his tongue though my mouth. He pulled away. Tears started to form in my eyes, but I turned away refusing to let this man see me cry.

He laughed, "until next time sugar!" Before walking back into the darkness. I laid back down, my hand over my mouth, tears running down my face. For wolves, first kisses were for mates only. And he just stole mine.

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