🕸️ - CHAPTER 1 - ⏳

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Hello im Marvin and i write stories like 1 year !, And this is my 1st story in this platform so enjoy!!! :DD

Well also! This is the New York Au or Called Phantom Theif AU.

* * * 3rd Person View. * * *

- For the past 2 years the Police team has tried everything to get that Phantom. Well they kept failing and failing every time. They kept getting new detectives and detectives.. And more detectives. And yeah you know it. They failed, quitted, raged and some of them got injured and some of them died..

+ - + Keebo's + - +

I was typing and organizing the files and i saw Kio [ Kiibos sister.] playing with the tazer once again.
" Kio dont play with that tazer, You might taze yourself once again. " She putted down the tazer and replied. " Awh fine!, But im boooredd!" I ignored her groan and continued working. Until Maki said something. " Hey Kiibo." "Yes Harukawa?" Maki would reply with a serious tone. " I cant take this anymore we keep getting new detectives and some of them quitted." Then.. A idea popped out of my mind. " Why dont we ask Amami if we knows anyone? " " Thats sincerely a good idea."

Maki would get her jacket and waited at me outside preparing the pistol for any conflict happening if "He" came. " Kio please do not run outside of the department this time.." "Okay!" I also wore my leather jacket and also went outside then Me and Maki would go straight ahead to The Bar.

‹-If.. you don't know who Amami, Rantaro is.. He is a popular Bartender because of his Mother. His mother owns the most popular Whiskey.. Wine.. And those drink stuff!, His sisters are with his mother for now being home schooled. The large problem is.. Rantaro would get Fan girls. Not the normal ones u see like those Wattpad stories.. Stuff.. Fanfics.. I meant the obessed fangirls. You heard me. He'd be chased by a crowd of girls like hes a celebrity or some sort.. Well moving on.. Were at his bar.-›

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The door of the entrance would automatically open.

"Ah hello Maki and Kiibo, what brings you here?" He'd calmly asked us while holding a glass of wine. "Well we came here because.. We wanted to ask you something very personal!" He'd reply while sipping his glass of wine. " Sure sure.. What is it?-." Maki would speak up. " We are asking if you know any Detective near here or some sort." Rantaro's eyes widen and replied. " You came in the right place. Well go to the Financial District and you'll see a tons of houses then.. a library, go inside the library and Find the door named Detective's office, and You should finally find him." Wait.. Thats it?, Wow thats surprising... I guess luck is there with us. " Thank you very much Amami!, We'll see you later!, Good bye!" Maki would wave as a goodbye for Rantaro and Rantaro waved goodbye. "Goodbye you two!, Be safe and i hope you find him!" The door would automatically open and Me and Maki would go outside then the Door would shut itself.

At the mean time we were at the taxi, my stomach hurted ALOT. " God darn it.. My stomach hurts because i putted too much sugar on my coffee.. " " Well you should've listened to your sister. God Kiibo- "

After those uhm.. Haha yk..
We were finally at the financial district and found the library what Amami was saying. We'd stepped out the taxi payed and we both got inside.

Ring Ringg!~

The bell would chime and a Librarian saw us both.

" Greetings! What brings you both here?" Maki would reply to the Brown haired lady. "We both came here because were finding the detective." I looked at her name tagged and The name of the person was Fofo. Thats quite a unique name. "Well Miss Fofo, do you know where the Detectives is?.. " Her eyes would widen a bit. " Ooh! Well Go to that door turn to the right, straight go to the left, Then you're there!" Maki would slightly smiled. "Well thank you Miss.. Fofo." " No problem!" She would slightly smiled at the both of us while holding a cart of books stacked up each other. And Maki would rapidly go to the door and I tried catching up. After those hours trying to find the room i saw there was smoke in it and i heard some talking. I thought "Was there a fire inside..? No! That cant be!" Maki would knock. " Sorry to interrupt but May we go in? -" We heard a Scottish woman voice saying " Did cha invite anyone here? " Then a Male british voice would reply back. " No, But you guys pr whoever you are can come in." Maki and I would go in and Saw a Ravenish blue hair male smoking holding a pack of cigarettes and a woman who had black and white swirly horns, Many neonish highlights and finally spikey hair ends.


Please do tell me if you want me to continue this!!

Words - 8 4 4.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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