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Sunday night was a blur, I once again spent the whole day in the workshop finishing my last design and adding my finishing touches to the other ones. I ate out again that night and went home to find Czar on the couch asleep once again. I had felt bad, I was sure he knew that I was avoiding him, but what could I do after all? Leaving was going to be hard enough.

"Are you excited?" Czar asked.

I was currently doing my hair for the fashion show which started in 15 minutes. We were backstage and Darcey was somewhere yelling at the show girls to get ready. My designs would be the first four to be on stage followed by Darcey's spring collection. I was a little afraid that she outshine me but I was still excited none the less.

"Very." I said as I finished putting my hair in a bun and turned to look at Czar.

He had pink roses in his hand and was wearing a royal blue suit that made his eyes pop.

"I..I um got these for you." He blushed as he handed me the flowers. 

"Awe thank you so much." I hugged him tightly. "And thank you again for setting me up with Darcey, none of this would be happening if it wasn't for you."

He smiled as he looked down at me. "You were going to be successful either way, I just gave you a little boost."

I smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. He then told me he was going to his seat in the audience.

"What a sweetheart he is." Darcey said as she walked into the room. "Those are lovely flowers."

"They are." I agreed as I admired them.

"So, when are you going to tell him?" Darcey asked.

"Tell him what?" I turned to look at her.

She was dressed in a pink dress that matched the flowers that I held in my hands. It was strapless and fit her slim frame amazingly.

"That you plan on leaving him." She said.

I groaned. "You know?"

"Well, I wasn't sure until I came into the workshop yesterday and saw that you'd been googling affordable apartments. Not to mention your reaction just now,"

I sighed and placed the flowers down on the vanity. " I feel terrible Darcey, I don't know what to do."

She walked up to me. "I'm going to tell you something that my mother told me when I was younger. Never, ever let a man hold you back. You are amazing Zariah, don't feel bad for wanting something different."

I thanked her and gave her a hug, although her words were comforting it didn't change how I felt. I wanted more than anything for Czar and I to have worked out, but these last few months have shown me that we never truly could.

After Darcey and I hugged she headed out towards the runway and I went to find my seat in the crowd. I was sitting next to Czar and Lada sat on the left. She was overly excited to see what I had been working on. 

"Czar told me how good you were." She said. "I can't wait to see for myself."

I turned to look at Czar who was already staring at me.

"You look green." He said.

"I do?" I asked.

"Yeah, are you feeling okay?" He looked concerned.

I nodded my head. "I'm fine." 

I lied, I felt like I had to throw up and I was sweaty. But I passed it off as nerves. 

The show eventually started and Darcey walked onto the runway, causing everyone to applaud her. When they stopped clapping she began to talk.

"Thank you all for coming and joining me tonight as I show you my new spring collection that I'm sure so many of you will love. However, I can't take all the credit, the first four designs that you will see on stage tonight are from a wonderful and talented young woman, Zariah Kuzmich."

She gestured towards me and I stood as the crown cheered and clapped for me. I suddenly felt dizzy so I quickly sat down with a smile on my face. Darcey finished her introduction and the show soon began.

The first design that came onto the stage was the one I made that was inspired by Czar. The crowd seemed to love it. But as I watched the model strut across the stage I felt the strong urge to throw up. I hurried and stood up and exited the room without causing too much commotion. I knew that Czar was following close behind me.

When I was out in the lobby I bolted to the bathroom and hurried into one of the stalls where I threw up what I had eaten from this morning.

I felt cool hands rub my back and I knew it was Czar.

"What's wrong, did you eat something bad?" he asked.

I sat on the cold ground and leaned my head back against the wall.

"I'm not sure." I said.

Czar exited the stall and when he came back he had a mini cup of water and a breathe mint that he had take from his pocket,

"Here." He handed them to me.

I gargled the water and spit it out before popping the breath mint into my mouth before Czar helped me up.

"Okay, let's get back to the show." He said as he offered me his arm.

"Actually....can we talk?" I asked.

He stood and turned to look at me. "What is its?"

"I've been thinking...about what you said. About letting me leave if I wanted to...."

"And?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Czar but I can't stay...."


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