Fire and Lies

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Vader was gone and he had taken her freedom with him. But she let him. Accepted the terms of what he offered. What he demanded. Perhaps if she didn't he'd punish all of Naboo.

But that was just an excuse. She wanted to go. She hated herself for feeling that way but she couldn't help it. After all he'd done to the Jedi. After all he'd done to the Republic. After all he'd done to the galaxy itself.

Queen Hermeya had said she'd soften his heart. So, perhaps, being Vader's mistress was good for the galaxy. But if that were true, why did he go to the Outer Rim?

[Name] had seen another side of him. Watched him closely and realized he was human and had feelings too. He wasn't the monster people thought it was. He could change and undo the harm he'd already done... someday. If he would allow her to help him.

[Name] thought about the Queen. She knew about Vader's plan to take her as a prisoner and yet she sacrificed her. Surely the Queen knew [Name] would go willingly to save the palace. Why didn't she tell her the truth?

And to think, he'd known about her past all along. Perhaps he sensed it. Perhaps she'd told him without realizing it. Or perhaps, he'd read the defiance in her eyes. A powerful Force user like Vader would be an adept mind reader.

Everything Vader had said was true.

[Name] was a padawan learner during the Jedi purge and had hid in the temple when the troops invaded. She felt like a selfish coward. Bail Organa rescued her a short time later, sending [Name] to Naboo, vowing to fund her education and give her a new life. A young padawan had saved his life. He was repaying a debt. On Naboo, [Name] attended school for young politicians. Her Jedi past was a secret shared between the two of them and no one else. Vader uncovered that secret. She was what he called the last of the Jedi. But was she really a Jedi? She had very little training. She was a troubled padawan who had difficulty following the strict tenets of the religion. She had no master because no one would teach her. Still, the Jedi were family and she, their disobedient child.

Still, Vader was a Sith Lord. Could they ever be together? Could she really change him? Or would he change her?

The villa felt empty without him there.

[Name] looked out the window. The sun had begun its descent. Armed troops stood guard outside the compound, watching her intently, ready to report her every move to Vader. Someday she'd earn his trust. The fate of their galaxy depended on it.

The following morning a knock on her bedroom door awakened her. [Name] leapt out of bed and tore the door open. To her surprise, Bail Organa stood on the other side. His face bore the burden of worry. How long had it been since she'd seen him?

"Senator Organa! How did you get past the troops?"

[Name] looked out the window. Imperial guards lay scattered and dead. She gasped.

"The queen told me about Vader."

"The queen? Why would she do that?"

[Name]'s stomach was aflutter.

"I'm here to rescue you. But we must go quickly."

Poor Bail. He had no idea! She didn't want to be rescued! She wanted to stay.

"Don't worry about clothes, we'll get you new ones."

"What if I don't want to go?"

Bail stared at her, a look of utter shock on his face.

"He'll kill you," Bail said.

"He wouldn't..." [Name] answered, unable to look at his face.

"I don't understand-"

"Vader loves me. He would never hurt me. We've had some rough patches but our days and nights in this villa have been wonderful. I love him."

"No no no...there are things you don't understand, [Name]. That's why I have to get you out of here. I knew something like this would happen. He has this ability...this hold on women."

"What do you mean? He's not as evil as you think."

"Vader spares no one, not even children. What do you think he'll do with you? He knows you're a Jedi!"

"That's not true-" [Name] exclaimed. "I was just a padawan."

"Which makes you a threat. There are secrets I will entrust you with only because we've kept each other's secrets for so long... I know you can be trusted."

"What is it?" she asked.

Bail pulled her aside, standing her before a mirror.

"Notice anything peculiar?"

"No..." [Name] answered. The suspense was killing her.

"You bear an uncanny resemblance to another politician from Naboo."

[Name] sighed. It wasn't the first time she'd heard it. "Yeah, I know. Senator Padme Amidala. I've heard this many times before."

"You are alive today for that very reason," Bail said.

"What do you mean?"

"Vader isn't who you think he is. He's a Jedi."

"I've never heard of him..."

"Indeed you have. That day at the temple, during the massacre do you remember seeing any Jedi when the children were slayed?"

"Cin Drallig was there. He was protecting us. I hid just as Anakin Skywalker came in. He looked at me. Then I ran away. They were both killed along with the children."

"Anakin Skywalker was behind the murders. And he is very much, alive. Not in spirit, but in the body of Vader."

"No! You're wrong. Anakin Skywalker was a hero of the Republic and the Jedi Order," she protested.

"There's more...Anakin Skywalker was in love with Senator Amidala. She was his wife, but in secret. He turned on the Jedi to save her life, joining the Sith. After the temple murders he was bested in a duel with his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi - which left him burned and scarred beyond recognition. But this was after he'd already killed Padme Amidala and their unborn child in a jealous rage. He'll do the same to you."

It was horrible. Too horrible to imagine. [Name] sat on the bed shaking her head in disbelief.

"I can't leave you with him. Not only because I'd be leaving you in danger, but should something go wrong, it could mean bad news for the galaxy itself. He'll become more dangerous than you could ever imagine - especially if there is any threat of losing you."

She couldn't breathe.

"What happens if I leave now?"

"I don't know. He'll look for you. Unless... he believes you're dead."

[Name] stood, looking in the mirror. She knew she bore some resemblance to the late senator, but not so much that he would spare her from death ten years ago, only to spare her again ten years later.

"Please, let me take you somewhere... where you will be safe."

[Name] grabbed what she could of her clothing, then took one last look at her room.

Bail poured a toxic smelling liquid on the bed, then lit a match... setting the blanket ablaze. Fire consumed the room as they ran down the stairs, outside of the villa to a waiting ship.

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