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"What do you mean?" He asked as he started at me.

But I could tell by the look on his face that he knew exactly  what I meant. I bit my lip and then looked up at him.

"This isn't going to work. We're not going to work." I said.

"How would you know if you never tried?" He said.

"We don't have to try for me to know that! We come from different lives and want two different things. I want to be a fashion designer you're a mafia leader. I want to live in the suburbs and you live in a huge house. I want to lead a normal life and you go out and do who knows what every other night. My family loves me and yours is barley functional."

"D-Don't you dare bring my family into this." His voice cracked as he pointed his finger at me. "I tried so hard for you, I did everything and anything for you. And now you just want to leave me because you think we can't work? You're not even trying!"

"But I did try!" I argued. "I tried so hard and every time we got close you'd run off scared and then all of this shit happened and I-"

"You weren't saying you wanted to leave when we fucked the other day." He cut me off.

"You're an asshole." I said, tears starting to form.

"And you're a cold hearted bitch." He headed towards the door but stopped when he placed his hand on the handle. "And say what you want about my family but at least I know they'd never send me to live with a stranger to pay off some debt." 

He exited the bathroom and I waited until I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore before I broke out into tears. I leaned on the sink as I sobbed, I felt terribly. I didn't want to argue with Czar and I knew he was hurting but I was too. 

I couldn't believe that I was in the bathroom crying over a guy while my fashion designs were being presented on the stage. This was horribly. 

I didn't have the strength to leave the bathroom so I stay hidden on a stall where I cried my eyes out for god only knows how long.


I heard a knock on the stall door. I'm not sure how long I've been hiding out but I had almost fallen asleep sitting on the toilet.

"It's occupied." I croaked.

"Zariah, it's me Darcey. You have to come out so many people are asking to speak to you. Important people." She said.

"I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now Darcey." I said.

She banged on the door causing me to jump slightly.

"Zariah! Are you crazy?! These people can launch your career and you're refusing to speak to them? You have one second to get your ass out here or I'm dragging you out." Her french accent sounded a lot scarier.

I sighed deeply before exiting the stall. Darcey looked at my face. 

"God you look horrible, here." She walked over to the sink and wet a paper towel before handing it to me. "Wipe your face off and come along."

I did as I was told, and wiped my face. I threw the paper towel in the trash and followed after Darcey. Still feeling terrible about the argument I had gotten into with Czar earlier.

"Darcey? Do you know if Czar left or not?" I asked.

She turned to look at me. "He left a while ago, his sister did stay though." 

"Oh." I said softly.

"Remember what I said to you Zariah, and wipe that frown off your face we have things to handle." She said.

I sighed before standing up straight and smiling as we approached a group of men and women who were all dressed nicely. When they saw us coming they instantly ran over to me and began to bombard me with tons of questions.

I looked to Darcey for help but she just smiled at me. I took a deep breathe and plastered a smile on my face before  began to answer the questions.


By the end of the night I had booked several more gigs and was swamped. I wanted to truly  enjoy the fact that my career was finally taken off but I just couldn't. I could only think about Czar.

I was packing up my designs and patiently wasting for Josiah to pick me up. I had called and asked him earlier and he agreed to do it, no questions asked. That's why I loved Josiah, he didn't need an explanation like my parents did. He just came running whenever I needed him.

I knew going back to Czar's house wasn't an option for me anymore. So, I would have to stay with my parents until I'm able to get my own place. Josiah sent me a text letting me know he was outside and I made my way to the front, carrying a bag that was filled with my work.

"Hey Zariah." Josiah said as he got out the car and took the bag from me.

"Thank you again for picking me up." I said.

"Anything for you, plus I haven't seen you in a while. Mom and dad are going to be excited." 

He placed my bag in the trunk and we both climbed into the car.

"I hope so, considering I'll be staying with you guys for a while." I said.

"What, why?" He asked as he pulled out the parking lot.

"Things...they just didn't work out." I said.

"And what do you mean by that?" He asked.

One thing about Josiah is, the could really pry if he wanted to.

"We're just two different people with different wants and needs. But, I guess I should've expected since it was an arranged marriage after all." I looked out the window at the buildings flashing by us.

"Yes, it was arranged, and I know you weren't happy about that at first. But, I believe that you cared for him and he cared for you. I remember when you last came over and dad told you Czar was waiting for you..you looked so concerned for him." Josiah explained.

"I do care for him, a lot....I think I might even love him. But that doesn't change anything." 

"If you love him you should try to make things work." Josiah argued.

"Why should I take advice from you? You know nothing about love."

"I know that if you love someone, truly really love someone. You'd fight for that person as hard as you could. And I don't think you're doing that." He said.

I didn't say anything back. Instead I continued to stare out the window. Josiah was right, hell Czar was right. I didn't fight for us, but how could I? His lifestyle is something I don't want to be apart of and never did.

But I couldn't get him out of my head.


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