Blue Blood Roses

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Arianna Saiya POV

I have always thought I was different .For as long as I remember I have had to take multiple transfusions and I never new why until one night when my life changed forever.

   I was sitting on my bed when I heard a knock on   door."Who is it?'' I yelled as they peeked in my room I saw it was my neighbor and childhood friend Declan .

          Declan has emerald green eyes and thick, short, disheveled brown hair. He was thin built.  "Are you ok" he said "Yeah I'm fine why" I replied "You don't look good"he look at me hard while saying that and I squirmed under his gaze.

       Keeping my secret from him is getting hard he tells me everything so I have always felt guilty keeping stuff from him. "I'm fine" I said dismissing him and I was until i felt a deep pain rack my body . "Be right back" I managed to spill out before rushing from my room and to my private bathroom .

     Locking the door behind me I tore through my mini fridge to find my blood bag and I.V line but the pain shot through my body once more and the items when flying from my hands. I started to panic my uncle was out on a business trip for a month and Declan wouldn't know what to do. I started to sink to the floor my head pounding and my body pulsing. It hurts oh no I've waited to long.

I felt so sensitive I could hear Declan's heart beat and breathing. I can feel something else my mouth hurt I bring my hand to my face and feel that my incisors were long and hang down to my lower lip.

I smell something the smell makes my mouth water and replenishes my strength . I lunge for the bag of blood and as if another was controlling my body I ripped it open with my teeth and downed it. But I can tell it is not enough then I hear his pulse at the door "Saiya are you ok" Declan ask sounding worried "Yes go home" I manage to say alright see you tomorrow he says and with that his pulse recedes to the hall and then out the door .

            As soon as he was out of the room I started to drag my self closer to the fridge closer to the blood and I.V line that would stop this feeling, the hot iron ore of sheer agony. "Fuck" I whisper finally reaching the needle and looking for a vein I wince as I dug the needle deeper and then as if to punish me the agony increased as i finally pierced a vein.       

         I sat on my bathroom floor feeling no difference. then I heard the door swing open and in walk a shadow I looked at the shadow but I did not see his features only the steady pulse of his jugular.

Hagi's POV

She looks just like her mother. I have to feed her first she is to weak now to move. I can't risk losing her again. I run over to her set down my cello case and pull off my white button down. I grab her and pull her to me placing her head on the crook of my neck she squirms and bites down on her lip agony her eyes.

"Bite down tell her" and she shakes her head violently .

Sighing I pull out a dagger and knick my jugular. The smell of my blood pulling her into a frenzy. As she bits down we both moan swirling clouds of ecstasy swirl around my brain and cause me to pull her closer. After a few minutes of this the question runs to my mind oh crap how am I going to explain to her what she is and who I am crap crap crap this is going to be a pain.

I lifted her up bridal style and lay her on her bed she had fallen asleep while feeding. I take this time to take in her now grown features. she had chocolate brown hair with reddish streaks and eyes that were blue when she was happy and green when mad. She was tall and had curves that put an hour grass to shame.

   Still watching her I backed away to take a shower , it was probably about 6 minutes into my shower when I heard her awaken I quickly got out and slipped on my pants.

Guess it is time to answer her questions.

Arianna POV

I wake up in my bed with this guy standing over me and my brain was shooting off dozens of signals some telling me to run others telling me to pull the knife out of the drawer to my right and get ready to fight , But I ignored them all.

     He had long black hair green eyes and a six pack and his face was familiar . Who is he? I racked my brain until a name appeared, "Hagi is that you" he smiles as these words come from my mouth.

Some memories come back to me ,I am a little girl my chocolate ringlets flow behind me as I run in a garden and I am wearing a dark blue dress with white ribbon. I am playing amongst blue roses . Then I am violently yanked back to the present by the same pain that means I need a transfusion. I look up and see Hagi sit on my bed and pull me towards him.

'What are you doing ?" said panicking. " It's okay , just bit down'' he said trying to soothe me . "No I don't want to... Hagi stop! you cant make me" and then I saw the thin line on his neck and smelt the blood . I pushed him down and straddled him on the bed . I move his hair to the side,and bite down gulping his sweet blood.

Then I felt as if I was inside his head . I felt his pleasure and the pain of my teeth biting down harder . Frightened I released and throw my self backwards.

Flash back

Then it all goes black. I'm short maybe six or seven and there are two other girls with me one on each hand. We all wear the same dress that is a deep blue but all our ribbon colors are different white,black and green . We are running through a cobblestone hall that leads to an opening in the corridor . There are blue ,yellow and purple roses there vines intertwining like they are fingers .Suddenly their names spring to my mind the girl to my right is Nami Riku my youngest sister by five minutes .To my left is Isabella Diva the middle child by two minutes .We are identical except are eyes. Mine a dark blue .Izzy's are violet and Nami's are hazel almost cat like. We run to the courtyard and play in the fountain in its middle.

As if puppets all are heads swing to the right at the same time to see a kyropterin we quickly end are game of hide and go seek to cover each others backs . I'm in the front and Di Di and Mi Mi are at my flank facing the opposite direction. There are at least twenty they surronded us. I reached under the skirt of my dress and pull out three daggers . I throw one to Nami and one to Isabella . A half second later about twelve kyropterin jumped down and attacked. They were archers and had there bows at ready.

    "Crap" I whispered "Hagi ,mommy Help" we screamed . Izzy was already engaging a large kyropterin and looked ok, but then we heard Nami scream . There was a large claw threw her back. "No" I roared killing mercilessly to get to my baby sister . "Nami , Nami" I shriek letting my emotions take over.

       Izzy too had killed every one around her and was killing the kyropterin that had impaled Nami but i stopped her and cut off the claw so Nami was know on the floor I tied the kyropterin up and heard my mother come running she and Hagi finished off the rest of the kyropterins.

Diva and I started to drag Nami to the castle entrance when a chivalia appeared mom and Hagi were preoccupied so i told Izzy to run with Nami . She took off and I grabbed my dagger and sliced my finger letting blood ooze onto the dagger. I rushed forward I and did multiple little stabs and it swung at me.

     It felt as if every was moving in slow motion. It was aiming for my face I tipped backwards and the claw sliced my cheek and right arm . A stream of curses flew from my lips so fast it was unintelligible anyone except me. I dodged the next swing and cut its head of but its claw caught me in the stomach and it falls on top of me pinning me to the ground.

"Help'' I screamed then I passed out .I woke up in Hagi's arms him telling me to drink his blood . ''I don't want to hurt you "I whispered in his ear he smiled and kissed me softly on the lips "The pain will be worth helping you." He said And I bit hard on his neck.

end of flashback

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