Park :)))

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Tubbo and Ranboo walked to a park with their son, Michael. It wasn't a far walk from their current home, and in the summer there are thousands of bees swarming the paths. Most hate the summers in this area for it, but Tubbo and Michael both loved bees, so it worked out perfectly. 

They would chase them around while Ranboo just watched them. Sometimes he would sneak up on Tubbo and pick him up from the back, which would always make him scream and yell. Ranboo found this very enjoyable, because he knew that Tubbo wasn't actually mad, just surprised.

"We're here!"

Michael yelled excitedly, as he ran to the slide. Tubbo chased after him, and Ranboo teleported to his son. 

He picked up the small boy, who was already consumed in laughter. 

The three stayed at the park for close to three hours. When they got home it was around 8:00 so they stayed up and watched a movie.

A little thing that happened with my cousin yesterday:

C = Cousin (fake name: Billy)

LC = little cousin (Fake Name joey)

(I'm the oldest of both, one's nine and the other one's ten)

Me: Billy! Come see my new room! *goes up to room with Billy and he sees my Pride Flag*

C: Are you gay?

Me: yea I'm a Lesbian

C: ewwww

Me: what?

C: No gays are allowed here! 

Me: suck it up this is MY house!

C: AUNT TT(my mom)! Author's GAY!!

My Mom: and? she likes girls who care I don't want grand kids!

Aunt: Yea Billy. There's nothing wrong with it

*Another story from yesterday*

Me: my friend Jayden lives next door I'm gonna go over there and see if she wasnts to go to the river

C: Jayden? Boy or Girl?

Me: Girl

C: Who would name their GIRL Jayden!? That's a boy's name!

Me: And? I have a stereotypicaly masculine name too

C: I- *is dumbfounded*

*Aaand the last story for this chapter*

C: *playing fortnite* This skin looks just like you!

Me: *looks over and sees that the character is black (i'm not racist)* C(name) I'm not black, you know this

C: That's racist! Joey! Author's racist!!

Me: I'm not racist, I'm just saying you cant call a black person white, and a white person black.

LC: RACIST!! Racist Gay! This is why I don't trust Gay people!

yesterday was frustrating to say the least :')

remember to drink water, have a snack and get some sleep


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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