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The creed has been destroyed. the templars have won. my wife, my son run! "die you Assassin" insticley i dodge and stab my blade into his chest."bam"! f*** sharpshooters. kill th assassin. "i run for cover while the temlars shoot; im thelast assasin. all of my brothers dead this siege was a failure. i wsh i had stayed home. i have failed my purose as the last hope for the creed. im sorry, Altaiir, Ezio, Connor, Desmond, fellow assassins, world, my wife, and my son. this is my last act i stand here like Altaiir once did. if any assassins survive: restart the creed. once i make sure my family is on a shiip heading home i take aimwith my phatm blade crossbow, and i finaly shoot. the last thi ng i hear is the oil blowing up, and the templars in this place being blloen to bit

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