Who are you?

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                                                                               The Devil himself is back. 

His fingers hooked on the whiskey glass and the strands of his black hair falling over his forehead, The strands are sleek and slightly curly while his eyes are narrowed down to the glass looking at the alcohol that was filled inside. 

Raising the glass up to his lips taking a big gulp of the strong drink before putting the drink down on the bar table and  almost getting lost into his thoughts he hears a sudden voice speaking from across the table. 

"Raymond you've been at this bar for days now" 

The black haired male raises his gaze up to the other male from the opposite side of the table, He had red hair tied up in a small low bun and strands of his hair striking down from his face while the lighted complimented his defined cheekbones and his light brown skin. 

Elijah Vincent, His best friend 

"Oh really? I didn't notice thanks for the daily reminder" Raymond says the sarcastic tone rolling off his tongue and while the light was on Elijah, He seemed to be in the darkness with only low setting lights spotlighting over him. "You really need to go outside, you look like a fucking vampire" Although he wanted to disagree with the man in front of him he was actually right, His eye were tired and dark circles were under and his hair was all over the place. 

"I'm fine right here, I don't need a goddamn babysitter telling me what to do" He says running his fingers through the messy curls that was laid out on his head while his silver rings was cold against his skin. "I know its tough for you right now ray but you really need to go to sleep and I know you have the nightmares but-" 

"Dont, I don't need to hear it again" 

Raymond stops him from saying anything any further before lifting himself off of the stool looking at Elijah one more time "I appreciate you looking out for me eli but I can't hear those words again" Elijah looks down not saying any other words. Raymond sighs taking his steps outside of the bar feeling the cold breeze hitting his dark skin taking the cigarettes from his jacket opening up the pack taking out one, bringing it up to his lips and while the lighter in the other hand lighting up the cigarette while the smoke comes out. 

His doesn't usually smoke, only when he's stressed out. 

While taking in the smoke he suddenly hears the bar door open and close hearing a woman's voice from beside him cursing silently yet loud, his body leaning against the wall glancing over at the angry woman beside him. 

"I cant believe that stupid bitch did that to me" Hearing the aggravated woman start getting more loud, Raymond rolls his eyes slightly before saying to the woman "Can you be even more louder?" The man says in a sarcastic manner looking at the woman in front of him.

"Oh..Im so sorry i didn't see you there" The woman says in a quiet tone, Both of them holding eye contact with each other "Its fine, I guess" As he keeps looking at her seeing her curly-afro hair perfectly styled on her head, the silky pink dress that complimented her curves and the small jewelry that standing out and made her dark skin glow. 

Damn she's fucking pretty. 

Lost in his thoughts before hearing her talk to him again "Whats your name?" The girl says in a soft tone almost like a honey low tone, Raymond raises his eyebrows staring down at the pretty woman once more before saying in a low tone "Raymond" dropping the cigarette as it was forgotten and also noticing how the girl in front of him was grossing out from the smell, stepping on the cigarette. 

"Well Im Alaia" She smiles at him softly her dimples showing as she glows in the street light that was under her. 

He sees as the angelic woman moves next to him looking at him "So are you some drug lord or something??" 

What the fuck. Is she high or something?

Raymond chuckles at her softly before furrowing his eyebrows together "Do you just go around asking people if their drug lords or something?" His body leaving off from the wall dusting off his shirt. "No but the tattoos, rings, and outfit make you seem like one" He hears her say with no second thought. 

Yeah she's definitely fucking high. 

"Sorry darling, Not a drug lord cant fulfill those little fantasies of yours" He says in a low tone leaving a small smirk on his lips. 

Take another guess amor.

"Dammit! Was hoping someone would" Alaia says in a sad sarcastic voice putting her hands on her chest wiping away her fake imaginary tears. "Well enough of the questionnaire for tonight, I would get back inside the club its not safe at this time" The man says once more before turning around starting to walk to his car. 

"Wait, Am I gonna see you again??" 

No It's too dangerous. Just say no raymond. 

Getting already aggravated for going against his thoughts, the male turned around looking at the girl waiting for his response. "Already missing me love?...You'll see me soon" leaving a small smirk on his lips. 

it's just the beginning.....

to be continued. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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