[13] Where is Neil?

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Susheela's pov,

"Coffee for my lady"

"Sushi... Susheela.. where are you lost?" Pramod called me

"Huh?... nothing... i am just tried" i said to him.

We are meeting after so long. When i came back from Rishikesh i got to know he already left to Sydney for some conference. I never told him this but only i know how much i have miss him in these days. He is slowly becoming my habit. A bad habit!

I am worried for the day when i have to leave him. I don't know how he will react. I just wished that time to never come.

"Again you are lost!" he said taking a sip from his cup

"So how was your conference?" i asked softly

"Actually" he sat beside me and continued " it was not good"


"i was missing you so much and you just left for somewhere without informing me. I was so tensed for you" he said and i looked down

"Pramod! I am sorry. Actually i.. i went to meet my cousin"  i lied and its hurts.

"And you are so sad after meeting you cousin? Tell me the truth come on" he asked

"Neil! He is missing" i said softly

"Neil means your brother? Why didn't you told me earlier?" He said

" i am ... worried for him Pramod" i said covering my face with my palms.

"Hey... come here" he took me in his arms and i too hugged him tightly.  My peace!

"We will find him soon okay" he said softly while stroking my hair.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you so much Sushi!"


"Neil.. N-E-I-L Nanda. Last time i saw him at the bus stop and since then he is missing" i was explaining this to the inspector.

I came here straight after Pramod left; in a hope to meet Vishal. But my bad luck Vishal is no where to be seen.

It been 16 days now that he didn't contact me. And i was getting more and more confuse and scared too. And that mystery man! Who was he? I never saw him again. I stayed there for five days and came back to my home the sixth morning.

"Sir please can you call Inspector Vishal!" I asked the police who was just getting into my nerves with his useless question.

"See Miss! Vishal sir has gone for a meeting. And will be back by evening" he said

I came out of the station thinking about all these happening around me.

"Excuse me!" someone called me.

I turned around and saw that same constable who had came with Vishal to meet me for the first time. Probably the day i am regretting.


"Vishal Sir told me to give you these" he forwarded an envelop.

"What is this?" i asked him

" i am not allowed to open and see this. Sir had told me to give you this at your place but as now you are here so-"

"hmm okay" i was about to move when something strike in my mind

"umm... from how many years Vishal is working under this area?" i asked him " i mean just for general knowledge you know as now Vishal and i are so close so i should know"  i tried to sound normal

"its okay i will asked him if you don't to tell then" i said further and took few steps.

Come on stop me you idiot.

"Madam!"  YESSSS....

I turned back and he came to me.

"Vishal sir is here for 2 and a half years!" he said

"and before that?" I asked

"umm actually" he seemed scared

"what? anything serious?" i asked seeing his pale face

"actually maam" he looked around and continued " please don't tell anyone, we only a few people know this. I heard that Vishal Sir was suspended for a year" he said in a low voice

"What!" i was shocked "aa..and why?"

"i don't know. It was something related to his previous transfer, where he was working!" he said




Thats for today. Hope you like it.

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