Chapter 1

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It was winter, where the rich would stay indoors to escape the frigid weather while the poor were struggling to survive.

A girl was sitting on the dirty ground in the town of Rhodolite selling roses.Though it was snowing, the town was crowded because of upcoming Christmas so families were going to town to see the Christmas lights.Which was the reason why the girl was hoping that someone would buy some of her roses in order to pay off her uncle's debts.Since if she could not manage to at least sell half of her basket of roses, she would get a beating in return and without money, her alcoholic uncle would get into trouble with the creditors.

After a long time waiting in the cold, finally someone kind had bought all of her roses and she could return back to her uncle's shabby house that was reeked of alcohol in the black alley.While she was walking back to what she called 'Home', she could hear her uncle's cries in the air before she ran to the shabby house in breakneck speed.Reaching the house, she noticed her uncle getting beaten up by a group of men who were sleek and nameless, though, she could guess who they were- the creditors.

Hiding behind a tree, she waited.

Giving her uncle a hard kick to his stomach, one of the creditors, who might be the leader, sneered, " If you have no money to pay back your debts, why don't you cut off your finger.It has been ten days already, which is equals to ten fingers.So the ten fingers will pay back the thirty silvers you own us.A perfect bargain, isn't it?" 

Her uncle's eyes widened in fright before he trembled like a leaf while pleading for them to stop.

After that, another creditor took out a small knife from his breast pocket and handed it to the leader.The leader grabbed her uncle.

It was not the first time the vicious creditors had came to their house to collect debts but the sight of them threatening her uncle made her small body shake.

"Please don't!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, exposing herself.

Although her uncle was an alcoholic, gambler, child abuser and a good for nothing, he is still her uncle.He may only smile at her when he was drunk but it made her happy to see his smile so she wanted to try her best to help him.

Awaring her existence, the creditors looked at her.

"Don't get involve in adult's business, kid.Or else, we will cut off your fingers too."

She gasped while shaking, not from the cold but from fright, while realisation hit her uncle.

"Since I have no money, why don't you take my niece? She may be young, but she has a pretty face.Even her mother sold herself."

Only then, she realised what her uncle was trying to say.He was trying to sell her in order to pay off his debts.

"Uncle...! Please! I will not be lazy anymore and will work harder to sell roses.So, please don't sell me away." She cried. Her uncle had sold her mother off too, in exchange for paying off his debts.And though she lived in the slums, she knew what would happen to her if she is sold.Though her uncle beats her everyday, it is much better than living a terrible life until she died from getting sold to brothels.

The leader turned his head around and examined her carefully, as if trying to see if she has any value.

He smirked, " She will be a beauty when she grow up, so it is not a bad idea."

Saying this, he walked over to her, grabbing her and dragging her away with the rest of the creditors.

The night was dark, masking the moon as if trying to hide the ten year old from the outside world.

No! I don't what to be sold! The little girl thought as she bit the leader's hand as hard as she could.While groaning, the leader loosened his grip on her and she ran as fast as she could.

"Ahh! Your little brat!"

But a kid cannot outrun an adult and the leader caught up and caught her again.

"Let me teach you a lesson! Jean! Bring the whip here...Jean?"

The leader turned his head over, only to see a corpse of Jean, laying on the ground like a rug doll.

And the one who cut him was...

A teenage boy, with pale blond hair, his cold ice blue eyes eyeing him sharply as he put his sword back to his sheath.

"What a waste of time...Black!"

Is going to be okay, he is only a kid! The leader thought but for some reason, terror gripped his heart when he saw the boy's cold eyes.

Another boy appeared.His amber eyes glared at the leader as the leader looked around his surrounding to find the rest of his men...

To his shock, all the men were dead except himself.

"Let go of her." The amber eyes boy ordered, his tone dark after seeing the girl's hand being forcefully grabbed by the leader.

Why are they trying to help her?

"I say, let go of her!" The amber eyes boy shouted this time while his companion beside him scoffed, "Don't waste your time trying to order a brainless man, Black."

The pale blonde took his sword out from his sheath and just as he was about to strike again, the boy addressed as Black knocked the leader's arm, making him to groan in pain and let go of the girl's arm.Then, Black covered her eyes and what she saw then was only darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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