▪︎■ 02 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

I didn't know the time I woke up, but it was far too much light that came through my window for it to be considered morning. The day was cursed before it even had a chance to be anything other than fucked. This specific date- marked and burned inside my head silently, forcing the yearly misery onto me again. Instantly I was in a bad mood. A very bad mood.

My head felt like there was someone hammering inside, which only increased after I sat up in my bed. Only then I recognized the woman that layed beside me, naked.

I groaned. Why is she still in my fucking house?

The memories from last night slowly returned, while I took two painkillers and gulped them down with the leftover Whisky from yesterday evening. I got into my boxers and quickly went through my wardrobe, then bathroom, ignoring the woman completely. The alarm would lastly wake her up, which spared me the time for important things. Things that would keep me buisy. The woman was my attempt to keep my thoughts consumed and away from darker ones that would have come up if I had even one second to have a look at a calendar.

It was the same every year; I went to one of my clubs, woke up with a hangover, next to a woman that I'd fucked but forgot the name about. Sooner or later I would throw her out and would come back to business. The business I was heir to.

Bianchi was a powerful name, long time before me. I planned to keep it that way. Not because this family's name made me sentimental and woke the urge to make my ancestors proud or some shit. I hated the name that I was cursed to carry with me for the rest of my life. Particularly on this day, my hatred per usual just increased even more.

There was only one way, one consequence for me to live with the burden. I did what all those generations before me did; I used the name Bianchi to abuse the power it held. The only thing I could do about my shitty circumstances was to reach the absolute top like my family always wanted to and then let it die with me. Without any heir. All this money and power wasted.

I sat down in my office chair, now talking to Nicolas on my phone.

"Slept well, Cinderella?"

His italian accent was even thicker over the speaker.

"It's 'sleeping beauty' and no, I didn't. Cut the smalltalk and get to the point, Nico. I don't have all day for this bullshit."

I heard him press out a breathy laugh. "Caring and sweet as always. I called to remind you of the event this evening."

I pinched the bridge of my nose with my fingertips and ran my hand through my hair.

"I'm aware, I'm your boss Nico," I said, annoyed. "This is the only reason you're calling? What's up with you lately, getting all clingy?"

It was quiet for a moment. "You're not only my boss, you're like a brother. Of course I want to check on you. Not that I would care if you were out there, drinking yourself to death, but if so, someone has to take over, no? All this money doesn't spend itself!"

I knew he was worried for me. Even his jokes couldn't cover his real intentions.

"Anyway... Do you plan on going today?" He asked because I didn't answer.


He sighed. "You're not acting like yourself... I'm getting worried, man."

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