Bite Me

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"You know, I could kill you in at least eight different ways with that pen if you don't stop clicking it."

"You wouldn't since I'm the one who actually finds your targets and if you can't make money then you can't buy those stupid hats of yours." 

"They're not stupid, they're swaggy."

"Oh my god."

Jackson and Bambam sat in the living room of their small apartment. Jackson was trying to watch a soccer game while Bambam was doing some paper work. Whenever he paused to think about something on the page, he'd started needlessly clicking it and it had been slowly driving Jackson crazy for the better part of an hour.

"Why can't you do it in your coffin?" Jackson adjusted his snapback, mentally reassuring it that it really was swaggy and Bambam was just jealous. "Isn't that a vampire thing?"

Bambam gave him an exasperated looked. "You've seen my room. You know there aren't any coffins in it."

"You could have it under your bed. You're skinny, you could fit. Just lift up the mattress and lay down in your death box." He mimed doing just that, complete with crossing his arms over his chest so they formed an x.

"That's just a myth, Jackson. We don't actually sleep in coffins."Jackson started to ask a question but Bambam cut him off. "And if I bite you, you won't turn into a vampire."

"Then why do-"

A clattering sound interrupted him and the two turned toward the door. A piece of paper had been slipped through the mail slot and fluttered to the carpet. Bambam picked it up and tore off a strip of fabric that had been attached to it. He held it up to his nose and inhaled deeply with his eyes closed and a look of concentration on his face. Jackson took the paper from him and looked at the small scrawled note across it.

Kim Min Jun

missed payment


"We got another one who missed their payment." Jackson told Bambam. "Why do all these rich boys think they can get ask for the gangs help and not pay up. It's not like they need the money."

"I guess that's how they stay rich. They never spend any of it unless it means getting more back." Bambam shook his head in disgust before holding up the fabric to Jackson. "I caught a scent. He's at least 30 years old, probably still messing around with girls cause there's two different perfumes on here that aren't his cologne."

Jackson waits for him to go on but Bambam just brings it back to his nose and sniffs it again.

"Is that it?" The older one asked. "You normally have a whole monologue about them after you smell it the first time."

Bambam looks up a little sheepishly and his cheeks tinged pink. "Oh, um, sorry. It's just, his cologne smells really nice. It's not like that cheap stuff you bought when you had to go to that ritzy party awhile back. This actually smells appealing."

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