The Red Stains

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Blurb/prologue :

-I feel the familiar, cool arms wrapping themselves protectively around my body but it is almost like they aren’t there, like they’re a flickering which can’t effect me. The hollowness continues to echo through me, drawing me deeper into its midst, pulling me further away from those comforting arms.-

When all you ever loved is ripped away from you in seconds leaving you hurt and abandoned, it leaves a mark. For Heather this mark runs deep, haunting her once normal life and constantly threatening to pull her into the black abyss, that lives within her troubled soul. Her only protection from falling into the horror of her own head is her older brother James, who has been her support for almost her whole life.

One day Heather and James decide to transfer to Shalimen Boarding School, Heather expects it to be like any other school she’s been to but she soon realizes that nothing is what it seems.   

Heather loses all hope when she realizes James, the one she has always trusted, is hiding something, something big.

What secrets is he keeping from her?

Why is everyone so curious about her?

What’s with the red stains?

Follow Heather as she struggles with the memories that haunt her and attempts to figure out a world full of secrets hiding right under her nose. But what part does Heather play in the bigger picture? Is she really human?.

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