Femme Fatale

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Hi. My name is Mercedes Milena. I am nineteen years old and live in New York City. Let me tell you how all this started, right from the begining.

I never had a normal childhood, I was in the care of nannies since the day I was born. I went to a fancy private school full of stuck up snobs. Mom and dad were always away on their business trips. We barely had moments together as a family apart from my birthdays, when they wanted to show off our money and our 'perfect' life by throwing massive parties and inviting all their rich friends whilst we put on a happy family facade. They had planned my life out for me right when I was born and expected me to follow their rules. Ironic, considering they were never around and when they were I was subjected to beatings and violence to keep me quiet about they're true colours. Nevertheless, I had a lavish life quite literally handed to me on a silver plate. I had the money, looks, wealth, cars and many beautiful houses. I even had my best friend Dahlia. She has been by my side since day one and I owe everything to her. Despite all of this I couldn't get rid of this feeling deep inside me... there always seemed to be a never ending pit within my heart waiting for something or someone to fill it. It seemed like i was an incomplete jigsaw. Whatever it may be, I was determined to find the solution to fill that piece. No matter what it took or what lengths I had to go to.

I guess that is why I became an assassin. When you live your whole life surrounded by people who think they can get away with anything and take advantage of anyone you're bound to pop at some point. That's why I killed my parents. One day I just had enough of the torture not just physically. They were never there for me, and missed out on every part of me growing up. They showed no ounce of care for me since the day I came into this world, treating me worse than some unwanted animal and I often wondered why have me? Why was I born? if I was such a 'pathetic mistake' if I was such a burden and waste of time why did my mother not abort me? It was obvious I was nothing but an accessory to them. One night, once they had their turn on enjoying making me suffer, I slipped a highly toxic drug in their glass of water. Gone, ruled as a case of suicide. Perfect. They had their jewellery business worth billions and would pay their workers little to nothing and threaten them with their lives if they complained. I remember visiting the company, which was closed down soon after their deaths, and seeing it happen infront of my eyes. I knew how they'd treat me but I would have never imagined that other innocent souls were also suffering because of these waste of oxygen hell born diseases. Not everything is always as it seems. People wondered why I didn't take over the company and continue their 'legacy' but I didn't care. I mean what else do people do other than talk and focus on everyones but their own lives? Rumours surrounding what had happened began to spread like a fire. They got what they deserved. I have no regrets. I had enough of everything. I was no longer going to be a pushover and watch people's lives including my own be ruined.

From that day forward I became Merci, a femme fatale; an attractive and seductive woman, especially one who is likely to cause distress or disaster to a man who becomes involved with her. I've lost track of the amount of people I've killed but I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. You can agree or disagree with what I do but deep down I know it's the right thing. Dahlia is the only person that knows what I do. She is my right hand woman. She's a computer genius so having her around makes my job easier when it comes to getting important information like the ages and tracking their every move. In the day I'm a normal store worker, by night I'm a devilish assassin seeking my next victim. Stalking them in the depths of the night. Striking when they least expect it. I am Merci and this is my story.

My first story and it will be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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