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I watched as the crystal clear droplets fell from heaven. Each with a purpose; to hydrate the vegetation and bring new beginnings. The rain represents new beginnings, yet I can't find mine. He's left an imprint on my heart.

His name was Seth. He was my childhood friend who always was the "nice guy". Seth was the athletic type with soccer practices twice a week and games on Saturday. Helping his mother in the kitchen and helping his father with the car. He was the youngest of his family with an older bother now off at college.

Every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock sharp I would wake up to his family leaving for church in the morning and coming back by 1 in the afternoon. Sure call me a stalker, but he was some one you could never stop admiring.

On Sunday's he would always come running over to my house after he came back from church and we would run around our backyard till we were dripping in sweat.

We were separated in elementary when given different classes. It was a big shock to us because we were the inseparable friends. We sat together at lunch, play with each other at recess and were desk partners each year.

Although we were separated from each other he always walked me home after school. We would wave good bye and I would get to see his gummy smile one last time before the sun took its rest.

In middle school we had our small fights, but we always made up in the end. We saw less of each other but we still had a strong friendship.

High school was a different story. Instead of a friendship I saw something different in him. I saw a mature, caring, thoughtful athletic Seth. Not a cheerful gummy smile Seth, but a jaw dropping handsome Seth. Girls drooled over him and that's what sparked a fire in my heart. That's when I realized my true feelings for him. Instead of him only having me he had expanded his group of friends leaving me to rely fully on him.

It was the first time I was truly jealous because of him. He was always their for me but instead he was their for others too. I admit it, I'm jealous. Very jealous, he told me I was his only true friend, yet it seemed he was over using those to two words with his new "friends".

My lunches and free periods were always spent alone, but when ever those rare times came up he spent one of the two with me. Sure I should be happy that he remembers me right? But I only got to spend time with him 5 out of the 30 days of the month.

But that quickly changed when junior prom came around and he asked me to accompany him. I was shocked, speechless, but most of all over joyed.

The following week he asked me to be his girlfriend on our way home from school. I should have excepted something exciting to happen because he hadn't walked me home since middle school. Of course I agree immediately with no hesitation, it was then that I was forever stuck to his side. He was the dream boyfriend that everyone wanted. Sure girls were giving me death glares, and hate notes but that was the small price I paid when we officially became a couple.

Seth was mine, and I was Seth's. We both thought that it would never change.

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