𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥.

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It was December 12th, most people were doing christmas shopping by this time. Ozkar, on the other hand, decided their time was better spent taking a walk with their.. erm.. Close friend, Brook. Ash, Brook's father, never necessarily approved of them hanging out. Something about his family..? Ozkar didn't care, xen always found a way to meet up with Brook. One way or another. They stood, right at the street corner where Brook had lived. Shooting him a brief text as he waited. Goddamn it was cold, xen never understood why people loved the holiday season. All it brings is blizzards and electricity outages. They took a deep breath, narrowing their eyes and yawning.

''"Ozzy! Hey! Ozzy!"'' Brook called out from the distant street, causing Ozkar to look up towards him. ''"Ah, Brookie.. There you are. Finally."'' Ozkar let out a huff, he felt as though his hands were about to freeze over. Ozkar was ill-prepared for the elements, the snow and the wind chill always got xen when xen was least expecting it. Brook, on the other hand, was a bit over prepared. A grey pom pom beanie with a grey sweater underneath his usual jacket, along with thick black pants 'nd winter boots. Ozkar scanned him up and down, a bit shocked with the overly winter attire, but it's not like it was unusual. Brook's father would never let him out of the house without the proper clothing. ''"Are you ready for our walk? It's getting colder by the hour, and I'd rather not get stuck out in a blizzard with you. Your dad would kill me.."'' Ozkar laughed, adjusting their longer sleeve and shoving it into their pocket. He had prepared to put his other hand in his pocket, but Brook had other plans. His hand sliding to hold onto Ozkars, his hands were so.. warm compared to the air around them. Ozkar shook xens head, blocking out any of the thoughts that popped into xens head. 

''"Let's go already, where are we headed, again?"'' Ozkar tilted their head as they walked in a random direction, vaguely bothered by their hair that had fell into their face. Flipping his hair back to prevent any hair from falling into his mouth. ''"We're headed to the grocery store, looking to get us some hot cocoa, if you'd be interested in drinking it with me."'' Brook chuckled as he dragged Ozkar in the right direction, causing xen to stumble a bit. ''"Well, it's not exactly like I can say no anymore. You're already dragging me along."'' Ozkar laughed, bumping into Brook a bit as they walked. The grocery store wasn't too far away from where they were, so walking would not be an issue. Ozkar kept letting out occasional yawns, for some reason, the cold always made them a little sleepy. That, or the comfort of being with his closest friend, something about Brook always made him tired.. but not bored. Ozkar shook xens head again to shake away the thoughts once more.

Soon, they were on the doorstep of the nearest grocery store. It was packed with the usual people that were buying turkeys, hams, whatever sort of large fatty meat they could get their hands on. Brook b-lined for the hot cocoa stand by the door, Ozkar standing just behind him. ''"Hi, can we get two hot cocoas please? One peppermint, one cinnamon?"'' Brook took out his wallet from his pocket, while Ozkar stood in shock. They couldn't believe he remembered their favorite hot cocoa flavor, even after a year. But what else was there to expect of the Ultimate Notekeeper himself. Before he knew it, Brook had paid for both their drinks, Ozkar having to awkwardly shuffle his free hand out of his jacket pocket and sleeve to hold it. It was an uncomfortable hold due to the large burn scar that stretched up xens arm. But, they were willing to put in the extra effort for their.. friend. ''"So, where do you wanna go?"'' Brook suddenly spoke up despite the normal silence between the two. ''"Oh, uh.. Maybe we could.. stop by your house? I know your dad doesn't like me at all, but as long as I don't over stay my welcome I'm sure it'd b--"'' Before Ozkar could finish his sentence, Brook put his finger over his mouth. ''"Alright, alright.. Let's go to my house, alright? We can enjoy our hot cocoa there, since it's practically burning hot still."''

Brook pulled Ozkar by the arm, and out of the grocery store. The cold air hitting Ozkars face felt like a train, xens shivering beginning to spike up once more. ''"Yeah, let's.. hurry the hell to your place. I feel like it's gonna snow."'' Ozkar remarked, trying to pick up the pace of the twos steps. ''"Right, right! Let's go!"'' Brook was significantly faster then Ozkar, who promptly fell face first into the snow. ''"Ah! S-Sorry!"'' Brook whipped around, and crouched by Ozkar to help them up, rubbing any snow off their face and hair. ''"Goddamn.. I think I got snow in my damn glasses.."'' Ozkar shuffled onto his knees, groaning in pain. ''"I think.. I fucked up my back.."'' Xen grumbled, before being swiftly picked up and held in Brooks careful yet firm grasp, letting out a gasp. Brook was so.. warm.. soft yet so, so strong. It's not like Ozkar could exactly shake their feelings away this time around, their face felt so much warmer then the snow that once rested on their skin. Brook didn't seem to notice, though. Holding both the drinks mid air, his air abilities had always intrigued Ozkar but he wasn't one for saying much right now. ''"Th--Thanks."'' Ozkar quietly thanked Brook, as if this wasn't something Brook always did when xen fell while they were walking together. ''"Do you want me to carry you the rest of the way to my house?"'' Brook tilted his head. Ozkar pondered for a moment, he didn't wanna seem weird. ''"Sure."'' He nodded.

Brook calmly trudged through the snow, it was beginning to stick to his hair now that it begun snowing again. Ozkar couldn't help but try to massage any residual snow out, xen didn't want xens.. er.. friends hair getting messed up after all, Brook didn't mind this and seemed to actually rather quite enjoy it. Ozkar's hands were always so careful, in Brooks personal opinion. ''"..Are you SURE we should go to MY place, Ozkar?.. After all, you are sorta.. banned."'' Brook giggled a bit, much to Ozkar's sudden dismay. ''"Shit, right.. I forgot. Your dad hates me. Let's go to my place, my parents don't give a shit about my antics anyway."'' Brook looked around a little before beginning to walk towards Ozkar's house, his breath causing a bit of steam in the air from all this carrying, even if he worked out daily it was still a lot. Finally, he made it to his doorstep, knocking a few times before just entering. He hated being in Ozkar's house, the scent of booze and junk filling his nostrils. His nose scrunched up all the way till the two made it to Ozkar's room, in which Brook finally placed Ozkar on his feet. ''..Well, we're here! Let's sit by the window seat, PLEASE? We can look out at the snow falling!'' Brooks eyes were nearly glowing in excitement, if there was anything he could bring himself to love in that house decides Ozkar, it was that window seat. Before Ozkar could even give a proper response, Brook scrambled over to the window seat to sit down with Ozkar following shortly behind. They didn't know what Brooks fascination with the window seat was, nor did they know why he wanted to sit and watch the snow fall so bad, but they weren't one to turn down an offer to sit with Brook.

Both got cozy by the window, staring out at it together as Brook levitated Ozkar's drink back into xen's hands. ''"You know, I always like spending these cold winter days with you. Even if you might not like spending them with me."'' Brook piped up suddenly, taking a sip of his peppermint flavored hot chocolate. It was still so warm despite the mishap and travel there, which made him relax a little. ''"..Why wouldn't I like spending winter with you, Brook? What gave you that impression?"'' Ozkar tilted his head, did he say something wrong to make Brook think he didn't enjoy every little moment he got to spend with him? What did they do wron-- ''"You always seem to avoid looking at me or getting too close to me, even if you'll be like that with other people."'' Brook responded before Ozkar could overthink more, which left xen to ponder further. ''"..I guess it's just.. different with you. I just get all nervous, it's not like I hate you or anything. I just.. I dunno. I don't wanna look stupid.'' Brook took a deep breath in. ''..You've never looked stupid, Ozkar. You've had your moments but you've always been smart in some way in my eyes. You're always really talented when it comes to your fashion or your appearance, your art is.. phenomenal, even if you don't realize it a lot. You've always been talented to me, Ozkar.'' What Brook said to them had nearly completely shattered what Ozkar had been assuming he thought about them, they always assumed Brook thought they were brash or even a bit violent. Never once did 'talented' cross his mind, he looked away a bit, his face flushing. Compliments were always a difficult thing for xen to pinpoint, usually it always went in one ear and out the other for xen.. but never when it was compliments said by Brook. Brook goddamn Adiimory, the ultimate NOTEKEEPER for crying out loud. Of course Brook would be able to pinpoint the best traits in them, they could've sworn Brook knew them like the back of his hand. He shook his head a bit as he looked at the green haired man who sat beside him. ''"..Thanks, Brook."'' No further words could form in xen's mind, it was nearly completely clouded without explanation. They stared out the window once more, avoiding eye contact with their best friend. Brook didn't have anything else he wanted to say to the man, but he did flash a small smile to him as they watched the snow fall together till they both finished their cocoa, Ozkar tossed it in a pile of trash while Brook placed it in his bag to dispose of properly later.

The two looked at eachother for a moment, before Ozkar rested his head on Brooks shoulder. ''"..I fucking hate winter, but I guess winters okay if I'm warm with you.''Ozkar joked, though there was always some truth to xens jokes. Brook looked at Ozkar, opting not to comment as to not ruin the moment as he leaned his head on Ozkar's hair. There, they stared silently out the window together for.. well.. a near hour. 

They didn't need anything more then what they had at that very moment, which was eachother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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