Hey there, everyone. Wow. Let me just say that it feels so good to be writing again. Especially on a topic I am so fond of ;) I know this writing process is going to be long and grueling; but hopefully, this one will get finished, unlike most of my other works which have rarely ever seen the light of day anyway. I am very hopeful this book will reach the intended audience.
And if you're new here and haven't picked up on the tags attached to this book or the description, this is about to get smutty... Well, maybe not right off the bat. I like a slow burn. But it will be present sooner or later. If you are not 18+, I advise you to look no further. Don't say I didn't warn you. No "But Ashley, you didn't tell me there would be explicit sex scenes in this story," or "OMG I thought you were lying."
Anyway, I love you, lovelies. You are my world. Please enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.
Without further ado,
Welcome to