Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

I hum softly to myself as I work on my present for my lovely fiance, even though I technically am supposed to be getting ready for the wedding today. I'm mostly ready for it, have the button up shirt on and the trousers, just need to put on the rest of the suit and have Mabel do something with my hair so it doesn't look like I spent all day flying over the kingdom to get this thing ready for him.

I sit on a flower as I put the finishing touches on it. "Mason?" I look down at smile seeing him standing on a leaf of the flower. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready? We're getting married soon after all."

"I know and I will. Just was working on a surpise for you first, Roland."

"That is very kind of you, darling."

I lay down on the flower looking up at the sky.

"You weren't in the dark forest again, were you?"

"I didn't go far and it was an accident. Just wasn't paying attention where I was going."

"You know it's dangerous. You could have been killed, or at the least severely disfigured."

"I am not a damsel in distress, I can take care of myself."

"You don't even know how to use a sword."

"I sort of do. And I don't need one, because when I rule this kingdom I'll just go in there and talk to their ruler so we can finally live together in peace."

"That is so sweet."

"Then we can go wherever we want and have all the fun and adventures we want all the time."

"That is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. But none of that will happen if you don't go get yourself ready. I'll see you at the ceramony."

I watch as he flies off, a small smile on my face. "Dipper!" I jump and turn to Mabel as she lands next to me. "Remember, the wedding?"

"I know."

"We have to get you ready still."

"I know."

"We don't have much time!"

"I know!"

"Ew! What's that?" She points to the thing in my hand.

"It's a boutonniere. Crap, I forgot to give it to Roland."

"You can't give him that."

"Why not?"

"Because he's perfect and that thing is disastrous." She takes it from me as we both start flying back to the castle. "I'll fix it up once we get home."

"Mabel, what if Roland doesn't love me as much as I love him?"

"Dipper, How could he not love you? You're so.....totally loveable!"

"You really think so?"

"I wish you could see how you look." We fly into my room from the balcony and I get the leaves out of my hair as she fixes my gift for Roland and makes it perfect.

"Thanks sis, I'm going to give it to him right away."

Before she can stop me I jump off the balcony and follow the river to where I know Roland practices sparring by himself sometimes. I land on a flower getting there but freeze, seeing his arms around another woman's waist and their lips deeply connected.

I crush the boutonniere in my hand, feeling tears stinging my eyes as I fly out of there as fast as I can.

I go to my room, locking the door to be left alone before I collapse on the bed sobbing into my pillow.

Why did this have to happen? Roland was the first guy to ever show any kind of romantic interest in me. I changed myself just so that he would like me even more. Why wasn't I good enough for him? Where did I go wrong?

I look towards the door hearing Mable softly knocking on it, knowing that she knows something is wrong because I otherwise never lock my door.

"Dipper? Dipper, what's wrong?"

"I.....I don't want to talk about it...."

"Even to me?"

"I'm sorry.....tell Ford that the wedding is off......"

"The wedding is off?"

Getting up I sit at my desk in front of the mirror, pictures of me and Roland taped to the mirror. I angrily slam my fist against the mirror, the glass shattering and the glass shards cutting my knuckles but I barely even realize it's bleeding. No wonder he didn't want someone that looks like me. I wouldn't want to marry someone like me either.

"What do you get when you fall in love?
A guy with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble
I'll never fall in love again

What do you get when you kiss a boy?
You get enough germs to catch a fever
Then straight away, he'll love and leave ya
I'll never fall in love again
No, I'll never fall in love again" I stand up gathering all the pictures of me and him, ripping them all apart.

"Don't tell me what it's all about
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you " Going to my closet I take out the clothes I always wore for him, and rip those apart as I change back into my old clothes and pulling on my favorite hat that I stopped wearing simply because he liked me better without it. Well fuck what he wants.

"What do you get when you give your heart?
You get it all broken up and battered
Yeah, that's what you get, a heart that shattered
I'll never fall in love again

What do you get when you give your heart?
You get it all broken up and battered
Yeah, that's what you get, a heart that shattered
I'll never fall in love again
No, I'll never fall in love again
No, I'll never fall in love again"

I sit in the corner of my room with my knees hugged tightly to my chest as I angrily wipe my tears away. I hope that he fucking burns in hell and all men like him. Whoever invented love should go burn in hell as well.

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