Second Chance

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"Kanny! Please I'm sorry!" yelled a certain violet blooded sea dweller as he followed after his matesprit, or ex-matespri. He hoped it was the first choice. "N9 Cr9nus this time y9u've g9ne t99 far" the candy-blooded troll stated, arms crossed not even bothering to stop or even turn to the highblood. Now I'm sure by now your wondering what happened. You see Kankri Vantas was a very well-mannered celibate and aromatic- or used to be, troll. He agreed to be Cronus's matesprit on two conditions. One, he had to respect his choice of celibacy and two, he had to refrain from forcing himself onto Kankri. Cronus had agreed to these terms, of course he did mess up quite a bit and would always try find ways to get Kankri to end his vow but this time he went too far. He had told Kankri that his celibacy was the stupidest thing in all of Beforus, That he needs to give it up, especially if he wanted to stay a highbloods matesprit and then tried to force himself onto Kankri. It took a punch to the face and a kick to the stomach to get away, which leads us to where we are now.

"Please Kanny!" Cronus said, gripping onto Kankri's arm, making him stop walking. "I asked for tw9 things and y9u 6r9ke 69th 9f them Cr9nus! They were simple requests and y9u c9uldn't even d9 them!" Kankri yelled, trying to pull his arm out of his grip. "I dont knowv wvhat came ovwer me Kan please!" "N9! I'm clearly n9t g99d en9ugh to be your matesprit anyway!" Kankri said, finally getting out of his grip. "Yes you are! If anything I'm not good enough to be you're matesprit!" Kankri stared at Cronus. "What?" Did the second most powerful troll in all of Beforus just say that he, a mutant was too good for him? 

"I'm sorry! Meenah and Rufioh started to mess with me about not pailing my matesprit and wvhen I told them wvhat you said Meenah said I'm a highblood I should just use that to my advwantage and force you, I'm sorry Kanrki I shouldn't of listened I just wanted them to leavwe me alone. Please I cant lose Kankri!" Cronus sunk to his knees, placing his head in his hands. "Please..." Cronus whispered. Kankri stared at Cronus, unable to think of what to say. He noticed the slight sniffling. Was Cronus... Crying? "Cr9nus d9nt cry..." Kankri said, kneeling in front of him. "I'm so fucking sorry Kankri..." Kankri cringed at the language but decided to ignore it. "It's 9kay Cr9nus..." 

"No it's not! I'm horrible I almost made the wvorst mistake evwer! ...I-It's okay if you wvant to end this... I realize that I really don't derservwe a second chance... I understand if you hate me..." After that Kankri stopped listening. He didnt care about triggering anyone right now. "Hate y9u h9w c9uld I hate y9u?! Its 9bvi9us I have every reason t99 but n9t if it's y9u! Y9u were always there even when n9 9ne else was, Cr9nus Amp9ra h9w c9uld I ever hate you?! I fucking l9ve y9u and y9ur n9t just g9ing t9 give up 9n me!" Cronus looked up in surprise for two reasons. One, Kankri Vantas just cursed, probably for the first time and two, he said he loved him... after all the shit he put him through. "Kan..." "I l9ve y9u Cr9nus, 9f c9urse I'll give y9u an9ther chance..." Kankri said, wiping away the tears that still lay on his cheeks. "Thank you Kankri... I lovwe you so much" Cronus smiled, leaning up to kiss Kankri, which he happily accepted.


Haiiiiiiiiii :33 I hope you enjoyed this story ^-^ I didn't really know how to end it :/ sorry if it seems a little unfinished cause of it. If you all want I can write a bad ending too! If not this is all, well maybe a little story about what happened after not sure yet. Well :33 Anyway till next time! ~Creeps <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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