Get out of my head

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S2 E11 Follies at the Coven Day
Parade spoilers and some angst this is
My first one I hope you like

In Raine Whispars Dram
Dram Edalyn-"Rain I'm so glad you're okay" Dram Raine-"Eda what are you doing here" Dram Eda- "I had to make sure you were okay after that fight with Darius and ever"
Dram Raine-"What fight!?"
Dram Eda-"it was a few weeks ago I was with you?"
Dram Raine-"Eda I spent last month sick in bad and we haven't spoken in years? Listen I don't know what you want with me but I'm head of a coven now and I can't associate with wild witches anymore so move aside!"
Dram Eda-"no!! I'm not leaving till I get through to you."
Dream Raine-"Fine we can do this the hard way."
Dram Eda- "Rainstorm stop it!"
Dram Raine-"I don't want to hurt you eda but you're not giving me much of a choice!"
Dram Eda-"come on rain i know when you're going easy on me."
Dram Raine-"I...uh"
Dram Eda-"did you forgot this too"
Dram Raine-"huh... Why won't you just leave me alone!"
Dram Raine-"for old time sake I'll give you one last chance move..please"
Eda ship their head to single no.
Raine-"so be it."
Dram grade-"I think I heard something over here head witch are you there surround the area."
Dram Raine-"go home maybe travel for a bit just don't contact me again...I work for the emperor after all."
Dram grade-"head witch head witch are you hurt."
Dram Raine-"No...not badly let's return to the parade."

A few days later

Raine shut up in his bed.
Raine-"Why..why do I keep thinking of that day? why? why can't I get it out of my mind why can I get her out of my mind? She look so sad ugh my head is hurting me. And I have no more Tt."

Raine head-"Eda say Rainstorm, Raine stop thanking about her."
"past Eda-"I now why you are really here." Raine-"Nooo stop"
past eda-"you not you can't run from your fears forever some days you just have to get the jump on and put some rain in the face."
Raine-"Uh stop I can't see her she is a wild witch."

Raine-"maybe some music will get her off my mind." "Playing some music"
Past Eda-"See you doing amazing you gat this rainstorm."
their eyes nearly shot out of their eye sockets Raine-"this is not happening to me we have seen each other in years.. right? Maybe I should just get out of my room maybe that help?"

It did not help everywhere they look there so her face Raine head-"I couldn't get her out of my mind." Raine head-"You now what maybe I should go back to the place where this all started back where we had our fights." They look for any clue of sign of what was going on something to tell them why they can't get her out of their mind.

With the Eda she was in the same place they were last time she was chasing Luz and king through the market.

Eda-"Now Hold no!!" Eda said to Luz and king. Raine Heard it is voice
Eda-"We've Been over this you two! Market Day means one sweet each. We all know what happened when king has too much sugar in his teeny-tiny body."
Luz -"Weh! There areas many tiny cakes."
King-"And we can eat them later we have restraint."
Luz and king together-"Eda please!"
Eda says-"Your puppy dog eyes... Won't... Work on me."

Raine head-"Does Eda... Hove Kids?" They say sadly in their head with
Raine-"who?" Raine Head-"why not me? whoever is she with supposed to be me!"they said jealousy in their head
Raine head-" That's not right to them I broke up with them but they did try to come back to me. "Ugly" Why is this is so confusing!"

Back with Eda..
Eda-"sigh.. fine you can get one cake each."
Luz and king gave eda a Big hug.
Luz & King-"which one he's going to get."
King-"i don't know they all look so good I can't choose."
Luz-"which one's your favorite."
Luz look at the cake
Luz-"My favorite has to be lemon yegan but I'm going to get strawberry lemonade."
Luz-"strawberry lemonade is amity favorite." She say with a blush.
King has a look of disgust on his face Kings is disgusting.
King-"Gross.. I'm going to get red velvet he say" with a smile.
Luz -"isn't that Eda favorite."
king blush with embarrassment.
Luz-"it is momeda favorite. Not realizing she call eda mom."
Eda look at them with a soft smile. Eda-"fine you can get all three of them one red velvet one lemon yegan and one strawberry lemonade."And Luz and king smiled after getting the cakes
Luz and king said let's go home mom and started running towards the house were either followed and said slow down

Back with Raine Whispars
Raine knows that they should an East drop but they couldn't help but hear what they were it was going on and see that they couldn't help but be jealous of the fat that she has kids with someone else but rain thought to their selves they never saw another person or mention a father at all. Raine head-"did..did their dad leave them leave Eda.. if so." They're hand started to clinch into a fist they were getting mad. Who would just leave like that leave Eda.. they Head went silent like I did. They begin to open back to the emperor castle when they turn around and start walking in the opposite direction were Eda, Luz and king hardheaded. Back in Raine head-Why I'm doing this again?

They kept walking open till they found Eda talking to Lilith rain that close up until they get here.
Lilith-"Eda it going to be Okay we can get through this together."
Eda-"But Luz and king has so many questions and I don't know if I have the answers for them." She said with tears in my eyes.
Lilith-"it going to be okay little Sister I will try and help as much as I can. And you don't know maybe one day you'll find someone even better." Raine started to block out everything else that was saying so he did leave them. They Fish started to clinch again they were mad...

To be continued

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