How it all started (Prologue)

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(avap6545 gave me this idea!)

I was in homeroom sitting next to my best friend, Wren. Our homeroom teacher, Mr. Angus started taking attendance.
For once I was actually listening. He always took attendance in alphabetical order, and I was all the way in the R's, so normally I whisper with Wren until he gets close to me, but Wren told me she heard rumors that there was a new kid in our class. We didn't know who it was yet. From our seats all we could really see was the back of peoples heads.

"Amaya Jones."

"Ashton Pence."

"April White."

"Alya Butler." He called out a name I didn't recognize.
I glanced at Wren and we both looked around to see who it could be.
"Here." A girl sitting a row behind me responded. I looked in her direction. She had plain brown hair that went down her back a little. Her eyes were a shocking color of blue and they sparkled. She looked normal... But I felt like there was something special about her...

A few classes later, wren and I were talking together at my locker.
"She looks mysterious. Doesn't she?" Wren asked me.
"Yeah. She does." I replied.
As we chatted, I noticed that the mysterious girl in question was only a few lockers away from us. I nodded my head her way to show Wren that she was there.
Wren smiled. "You should go talk to her." She said. "I know you think she's cute."
I felt my face flush bright red. "What are you talking about?" I hissed under my breath.
Wren rolled her eyes. "Come on, you know what I'm talking about. So go on. Talk to her!"
I shook my head stubbornly. "No way! I don't even know her. I don't want her to think I'm weird. Besides... what would I even say?"
Wren shrugged in response. "I don't know, that's a you problem."
Wren started walking away, I followed her, my heart quickened as I grew closer to Alya.

I was distracted, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and I tripped on something. By instinct, I stuck my hands out in front of me, I really wish I didn't.
I was lucky enough to crash right into the one and only, Alya Butler. She was holding her water bottle. It was open. It clattered onto the floor, spilling water all over Alya.
It seemed like every single person in the hall stopped in their tracks to stare at the scene that had started to unfold.
Alya looked at me with anger filling up her blue eyes. "Are you fucking kidding me?" She asked, trying to dry herself off with her jacket.
"I-I'm so so sorry." I stammered. "I-I t-tripped. I didn't mean to-"
Alya scoffed. "I'm s-soooo soo s-sorry." She mocked me. Some of the people watching laughed. My face grew red with embarrassment. "Just leave." She said, pushing me away slightly. "You're only making things worse."

And that's how it all started. It only got worse from there. It's been two years and we're 17 now. We still hate each other. we always will.

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