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=Zayn's POV=

Hi. I'm Zayn Malik. I've been attending Freshberry High for two years now. I'm a sophomore. I've been attending school in Chicago since Pre-K. My best friend is Harry Styles. We've known each other since second grade. Harry and I know everything about each other. For instance, his favorite color is yellow, his favorite movie is any of the Fast And Furious movies, and he loves to sing. His two favorite shows are Supernatural and Friends. I'm more a Doctor Who? person myself. Well, that's the bell. Better get to class.

=Liam's POV=

'Ello! I'm Liam Payne. I'm a sophomore here at Freshberry High School. I've gone to school in the windy city all of my life. I moved here from New York when I was six months old. I love to read, write, and, above all, sing. My best friend's name is Niall Horan. He and I are pretty close. We do everything together. Some call us inseparable. Others call us faggots. I don't personally like either. Niall and I have tried the dating thing with each other. It didn't work. He and I are straight. Mostly, at least. I wouldn't consider myself straight, but I wouldn't say I'm bisexual or gay either. He's got 'imself a girlfriend, anyway. Oh, darn! I'm late for calculus! I'll talk to you later.

*A few hours later*

=Zayn's POV=

Thank God fifth hour's over. Now I can get me some grub. I love to eat. That's something you'll learn about me. But I'm not a pig, either. I know when to stop. And I work out. A LOT. I'm a bit of a buff guy, I'd like to assume. Got to impress the ladies, eh? Oh, here's Harry.

"Hey, mate. What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing much, man. Just kind of preoccupied. I think Robyn's going to break up with me. Man, screw girls!" Harry said. This guy could get easily pissed.

"That's all any of us want to do," I said, messing around with him.

"Yup! Nah, but seriously, do you ever think about trying on another..." He trailed off. I think I knew where he was going. And I didn't like it.

"Man?" I finished for him. Although I'd never admit it to Harry, I have.

"Yeah. I mean, I'm sure I'd never do it, but it's nice to have the option out there."

"I guess. Can't this line move along any farther? I'm starving!" I said, stomach rumbling.

"Aren't you always?" He asked, laughing.

"Oh, bug off, loser! I'd like to see you try to go without eating." I chuckled, giving Harry a playful push.

"You know neither of us could if we tried!" He said.

We sat in the lunch line a little bit longer, just chatting. Mainly about our weekend plans to get high and get rek'd. Finally we got the front of the line and got our food.

"Aw, man! These jackasses took our table!" I said, gesturing to the Tech Ed nerds sitting in our seats.

"Hey, we can sit with this guy. He looks alone, man. Let's be nice." Harry said, already walking to the guy's table.

"I guess," I said and walked off to the table.

=Liam's POV=

I was sitting alone at Niall and I's table when two kids walked up. Niall wasn't at school today on account of his band trip he had to go on. it was just me.

"So hi," one of the two said as they sat down. "I'm Zayne. This doofus is Harry," he said, pointing a thumb at, Harry, I guess.

I gave them a quizzical look. "I'm Liam," I answered, trying to be polite. "No offense to you two at all, but why are you sitting here?"

"Oh, well, see, our table was taken by a bunch of Techie nerds, so here we are." Harry said. These two were overconfident and chatty.

"Oh, well, since my friend Niall isn't here, I guess you two can join me for the day. It'll be nice not having to sit alone."

We talked for the rest of the lunch period. I was about to head to Pre-AP English 2 when Zayn stopped me.

"I don't mean to sound gay or straightforward in any way by this gesture, but could I have your phone number? I had a great time hanging out with you." What was up with this guy?

"Um, sure? Want me to write it down or can you just put it in your phone?" I asked.

"I can grab my phone. Give me a sec." Zayn reached into his pocket and produced a cell phone. He unlocked it and clicked on 'Contacts'. He put "Liam <3" on a new, clean contact page. Weird, I thought. He put a heart next to my name. Maybe he does that to everyone? I didn't think too much of it after that, so I just gave him my number.

"590-268-0987." I said.

"Awesome! Thanks, Li!" Um, that's odd. Why the heck did he just call me 'Li'? Not a lot of people use that nickname. I swear, this guy is getting weirder and weirder the more I talk to him.

*=A/N- Sorry that this chapter is so short! It's 12:30 A.M. and I'm running on fumes. The chapters will get longer as the story progresses, I promise. If you have any ideas or title covers or fanart or just want to talk, just message me! I plan on updating the next chapter tomorrow. I want to say thanks to my friend Brandi for getting me hooked on "Ziam". I'll go through and edit the story tomorrow, so don't worry about those. Good night! I'll update soon and enjoy.=*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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