A wedding Day

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"Minah, I'll make sure you're wedding will never be forgotten." you smiled at your best friend who's getting married in two days. "I know you will."

you're her wedding planner, they've booked a whole resort near a beach for a week.

She smiled at you "Okay now tell me where you're idiot is??" you asked about his to be husband. "Umm he was with his brother, ah there he is."

Her fiance came to the both of you, with his brother, which you didn't noticed. "Oh Y/N, Hii" he pulls you into a short hug. "Finally.....congratulationssssssss" you sing out smiling widely. "I can't believe you're finally stealing my baby."

You said referring to Minah, "Yes Missy, and I'll make sure she stays away from you." you roll your eyes playfully as minah hit her fiancé lightly jungsoon

"Oh, meet my friend, Jeon Jungkook my brother." he introduced his brother who was standing here. "Oh Hii heard a lot about you." Minah said giving him a side hug.

And then he turns to you, with a soft smile, this guy is indeed handsome. "Hii umm" he extended his hand "Y/N, kang Y/N" you shook hands with him..

J U N G K O O K Pov.

"Such a beautiful name" he lightly pressed a kiss on the back of your hand. "Thanks... " you mumble shyly.

Indeed jungsoon was right, this lady is beautiful.

He have been telling me about his fiancé's best friend who's also their wedding planner. And he was asking me if he could set us up with her.

And I being the dumbest person denied it. But now I totally regret it. Would love to know a woman like her.

"I think I should leave, start the preparations." she smiled and left us alone.

"Jungkook you know my offer is valid." jungsoon said as he noticed my eyes following her. "I think I'll get her own my own"

I said looking at him with a smirk. "Careful mister my friend is so picky, don't get your hopes high" Minah said with a smug look. "Even better."


You're explaining your team about the  arrangements. "I think the flowers have arrived." you ask as your assistant nodded. "okay, we'll get the work started, I'll check on the other things."

The preparations have been going on from last five hours. You've been feeling hungry now, but you want to complete decoration at least at one part.

"Umm hey!!" you heard from behind making you turn around. "Oh hey, jungkook right?" you smiled once he nodded. "I was thinking if you'd like to eat something, you've been working for hours now."

You raised your one eyebrow "so you mean, you have your attention on me??"

"Who wouldn't, you're such a beauty."
You gets shy again at the complement. "So would you like to eat?" you think for a second. "Okay guys, time for break inform everyone to rest for a while and grab something to eat." you announce to your team, who left their work after thanking you.

"Let's go?" you asked the guy beside you.

"So what do you do for living?" you asked him unwraping your sandwich which he got from the resort buffet. You both are at the same open area where wedding going to take place. Sitting under a shelter.

"I have automobiles business." your eyes widen. "That means you're filthy rich??"

He chuckles "You could say that, but aren't you rich too, I'm pretty sure this job pays you a lot." you chew the food into your mouth. "Yeah but not that much, I could pay my expenses and save a little and I'm pretty happy with that. Might try to start my own agency of wedding planning but that takes a lot of money, so for now I'm fine with what I have."

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