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Hi! :) This book is about Robin and Marian's love blossoming and fluff between them. It is mainly for satisfying my needs, aka: cute moments between them, confessions, jealously, bla bla blah. It's more like a story and not oneshots. Hope you enjoy it!


Marian = 16     Scarlett = 16     Tuck = 16    

Robin = 17     Little John = 17   Prince John = 17 

King Richard = 26


It's a glorious day in Nottingham: the golden sun gleaming; the people joyously chattering; and no Sheriff in sight. Everyone is calm and content. However, inside the castle is a whole different story. 

Marian's POV

A month ago today, many Kings (including my cousin, Richard) came back from the Holy lands. So, in honor of that, there's going to be a grand banquet held tomorrow, that will last for 3 days, at Nottingham castle in celebration of their return and of their alliances. 

I'm really excited! This will be my first time attending such a massive banquet. I haven't been able to practice my magic, or do anything other than get ready for tomorrow! I've already prepared my dress. It's the most beautiful sapphire blue, and it goes well with my blue eyes. Right now, me and Scarlett are out shopping for her dress. We were allowed to choose one person to bring with us to the ball/banquet. Of course I chose Scarlett to be my plus one. I couldn't possibly go to the banquet without my bestfriend!

"Whoa, Marian look! It's so pretty! And it's the nicest shade of red! I think this might be the one!" Scarlett says as she points to a dress on display.

"It is  really pretty, you wanna try it on?"

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to try on dresses at this shop - look at the sign." Scarlett says as she walks closer to the dress, looking at all the details.

"Well, you should go for it if you like it!" I encourage. Just then, the lady who owns the shop came towards us. It was Beatrice, we had helped her once. She recognized us from when we got her ring back from my dumb cousin, prince John. 

She smiles at us, "Hello Lady Marian, Hello Scarlett, what can I do for you two?"

Scarlett speaks up, "Hi Beatrice, I was just looking at this dress. It's really pretty, you made it yourself?"

"Yep, hand crafted it."

"That's amazing! Your so talented," Scarlett says as she circles around the dress.

Beatrice laughs,"Thank you, I'm glad you like it dear, I'm pretty sure it's the perfect size for you, are you looking to buy it?"

"Of course!" Scarlett says with a sweet smile.

"Well, my usual price for a dress like this would be... 20 silver coins" Beatrice states.

"I'll take it" Scarlett says as she pulls out her purse.


We arrive back at the castle, and it seems that lots has happened when we were out. The castle looks amazing with decorations hanging on every wall. Now I'm truly starting to get excited! We leave our shopping in my wardrobe and go to the throne room. I pull open the door, and to our surprise, Robin, Tuck, and Little John are with King Richard at the front.

"Hello girls, I was just telling our dear friends about the banquet that they are invited to tomorrow" King Richard says as we walk over to them."But I must go attend other matters now, I'll let you five discuss it," he says as he takes his leave.

"Wait really? You guys are coming to!" I say excitedly.

"Of course,"says Robin, "I mean, I am still Lord of Locksey, and Richard allowed me to bring two people instead of one, so Little John and Tuck can come too". We all smile at the thought of going together.

"That's perfect! Now we can all go as a group," Scarlett adds.

Now I'm beyond excited... what if me and Robin are even able to dance together?... no... there'll probably be so many other prettier princesses that he could dance with, why on Earth would he choose me? 

King Richard comes back into the throne room with prince John and the sherrif. "Marian, Robin, one of our guests should be arriving today to stay the night because they must come from very far. As the princess and the lord of Locksley, it would be nice if you two would come with me to great them."

"Of course," Robin says and I nod in agreeance.

"And you three are welcome to come as well" Richard adds, referring to Tuck, Scarlett and Little John. Prince John just scowls at us, which we ignore. We follow Richard to the Entrance of the castle and see a grand carriage that has just arrived. "Looks like they've arrived!" Richard exclaims.

Robin's POV

We all go down to the castle entrance and a carriage has already arrived. "Looks like they've arrived!" Richard exclaims as he walks towards the carriage. Out comes the King of Cumberland, King Alfred Gisborne, and his son, Prince Guy of Gisborne. I haven't really ever liked the Gisbornes, mainly because my Father never got along with them. Sir Alfred and King Richard started to talk and catch up as his son came towards us.

"Why hello, prince John, I've heard a lot about you but, now I have the pleasure of meeting you." Guys starts as they shake hands.

"Oh so you've heard about me, great things I presume," Prince john says, growing his ego.

"Of course... and who is this fair maiden," Guys says as he walks over to Marian. "You must be Richards dear cousin." He says as he takes Marian's hand and kisses it. 

"Yes, Lady Marian, pleasure to meet you," Marian says as she takes her hand away. For some reason, I feel jealous. I feel something burning inside of me. Do I like Marian?.. no... even if i did, who would choose a 'righter of wrongs' who lives in the woods over a rich, well mannered Prince. I don't even have a chance...

"Oh and I remember you... Robin of Locksley..." he scowls.

"Guy of Gisborne...," I say as we shake hands and narrow our eyes at each other. King Richard and King Alfred start walking inside so we follow in after him. 

"What was that about?" Little John whispers to me.

"Don't tell me you two are gonna fight over Marian,"Tuck whispers as he smirks.

"What!? No! Our families just don't get on well." I whisper as I look at Marian and Guy talking in front of us. I narrow my eyes when I see Guy look Marian up and down.

"sure," Little John adds.

Guy's POV

This Marian girl is really pretty, she's just the woman for me. Oh, all the things I could do to her. I've been looking for a Lady partner, and Lady Marian might just cut it. I discreetly look her up and down and my eyes linger at her curves. She has quite the figure. "So, Lady Marian, may I ask how old you are?" I say.

"It is quite rude to ask a lady for their age," she says jokingly. 

"I apologize." I try to say it sincerely, although I am annoyed. I must not let my deep desires shine through.

"I am 6 and 10," She says as she smiles. Hmm.. 16, not bad, she is of age. 

"And I am 9 and 10" I reply. I think this 'Marian' would be a brilliant wife, my personal toy.

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