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Its wings were spread far out to each side, every detail perfectly displayed. The eye was a magnificent blue stone, capturing light and showering my hand with beams of brilliant colour. I stroked the charm, feeling the perfect smoothness of the carved bone. My mother smiled at me and picked up the charm on the long leather string, and wrapped it loosely around my neck.

"The cautious hawk." My mother whispered to me, admiring the charm. "Those who bear the hawk charm are Observant, cunning, Decisive, Visionaries, Leaders, Creative, Strategic and they are Messengers." My mother recited with perfect knowledge. My eyes met hers, her wise old deep brown eyes. I sighed a little, I had no care for the hawk totem, I longed for the wolf totem.

"But I'm not always cautious" I protested, frowning at the charm. "And I'm far from creative. Plus, when have I ever seen myself as a leader? I'm a follower, you know that." My mother tilted towards me and placed both her hands on my shoulders. "I like wolves, can't I have that necklace?"

"You are great as you want to be." She told me in a chant-like fashion. "And soon, I know you will prove yourself wrong, and live up to the expectations of the hawk and the great spirits above." I rolled my eyes and sunk back into my chair. My mother could be unnecessarily dramatic at times, for no real reason.

"But how do you know." I almost snapped. "And why do we have these charms anyway?" I asked, peering at the carved salmon hanging from her neck.

"I know, because the spirits have spoken to me." She croaked.

"Again with the spirits. There are no spirits, mother. I'm not sure which religion or whatever that you're in, but don't try to drag me into it too, alright?" She sighed and lowered her head, staring blankly at the hawk.

"You are young, and naive."

"Well, thanks." I replied sharply, glaring angrily at her.

"There is one way for you to learn" She said dramatically.

"No, there's really not."

"We must travel to South America."

"No, wait. What?" I shouted, stunned. "South America? What, why?" I shook my head, my mother was surly going mad.

"To visit your father, in his research centre out there." She announced, before walking out the room. I could almost see the trail of enthusiasm as she left me. I looked down for a second, staring at the beautifully carved hawk sitting in my palm. Travel across the Atlantic to see my father? The trip would take days, maybe even weeks.

"Mother!" I called angrily. She skipped into the room and signalled for me to speak. "I'm not going to South America. The trip would take weeks and you know I hate boats." I complained. She smiled at me.

"No worry." She chuckled, producing two tickets. "We fly!"

"Fly?" I gasped, thinking of the huge airplanes I've heard so much of. I looked at the tickets in my mother's hand, as she smiled knowingly at me. "Fine." I grumbled, watching my hawk charm sway from side to side.

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