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Eiden blinked at the scene before him, baffled. He had been slowly falling into his daily morning nap after breakfast when he heard a loud crashing sound before the cries of complains reached his ears and he had jumped up from his bed and came running - in a kimono no less - to the scene of the problem; his ever loyal maids following behind him and pleading with him to slow down and be careful.

It looked as if a crime had been committed with how the paints were splattered on the walls and floor, drenching the unfortunate victims from head to toe as well. Above said victims were tilted buckets of paints and Eiden's keen eyes noticed the thin wires on the handles - no doubt the triggers of turning the paint down unto the victims. Two or three small metal buckets were lying on the wooden floor not far from them.

"What is going on here?!" Eiden cried out, hurrying over to Yakumo and their children, not caring that the paint was staining his socks and the bottom of his lighg purple and green kimono (which had red sakura petals on it). 

Yakumo, who was drenched from head to toe in most of the paints, was trying to calm their two youngest children - Hiromi and Seiko - who were also drenched in paint and were crying loudly. 

From the patterns on Yakumo, Eiden could see that he was carrying them in his arms when he was doused in paint, which explains why they were covered more than their other siblings. Minato, Minori and Reiki (his and Yakumo's 2nd, 3rd and 4th children) were also trying to calm their brother and sister, using the clean parts of their clothes to clean the paints from their faces. Yasu, their 1st child, was standing in the corner, also splashed in paint, looking ready to kill.

"E- Eiden-san!" Yakumo stood up at the arrival of Eiden. He looked down at his husband with a worried look, his serpentine brown eyes scrutinising Eiden. "What are you doing up?! I thought you were resting?!"

"I was about to until I heard the loud noises." Eiden started using his kimono sleeve to clean the paint off Yakumo's face before it dries, his maids doing the same for Hiromi and Seiko - who have now stopped crying and were sniffling, tears brimming in their eyes. "Are any of you hurt?" He asked, sparing glances at his children.

"We're okay, Eiden-san. Just dirty." Yakumo said with a smile.

"Speak for yourself, Papa. My butt hurt!" Reiki said with a grimace, rubbing his behind. "The paint made me trip and fall to the ground."

"Ma- mama~" Hiromi sniffled out, making his way over to Eiden with an arm raised and the other one clutching his stained Eiden Doll.

Eiden wastes no time in bending out - with a little bit of difficulty - and picking up his son.

"Eiden-sama." One of his maids called out in worry, her eyes showing her disapproval at his action. Eiden just ignored her and started talking to his son. 

"Are hurt, Hiromi dear?" Eiden asked, getting a small shake of his head from his son who had his face buried in Eiden's neck. Eiden cards his fingers in Hiromi's hair, his face twisting into a frown at the feeling of paint in it.

Seiko walked over to her father and tugged on the leg of his pants, raising her hand to signify that she wanted to be picked up. Yakumo adhered to her wishes and settled her on his hip with a smile.

"This has Keisuke, Kenji and Reina written all over it!" Yasu spat out, clicking his tongue in irritation. The six year old was still scowling with his arms were crossed. One could see the dark aura emitting from him and his brown eyes were glowing. If one strained their ears they could hear hissing as if a snake was angry or irritated.

Eiden heaved a tired sigh. "How many times do I have to tell those three to stop playing pranks on this household? Especially ones like these!" 

"Now- now calm down, Eiden-san." Yakumo says softly, giving his wife a gentle look. "It wasn't harmful. The paint can be washed off easily. Besides..." He snapped his fingers and he, Eiden, their children and the maids were paint free - clean, prim and proper.

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