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Hello everyone, I'm aware how long it has been since I last updated my other two fanfictions (even though I don't think many will or have read them LOL) and I deeply apologise however, school has been very tough but this isn't a sob story, so long story short I have got a new found passion for writing and instead of forcing myself to write and burning myself out I am going to write when I get a burst of inspiration.


(so, I've basically revamped the whole fic? I dont know what the fuck I was thinking when I wrote it I mean its just...god its so weird, and I think the main reason for that is I'm a girl and I'm very gay, don't get me wrong I like men but I have had much more lesbian relationships then straight, which meant I just felt much more comfortable writing female characters and I much more enjoy that which is why I was kind of pushing for Ink to be more feminine which now I'm rereading it, It's really fucking weird, also I like haven't wrote in ages on wattpad so lets see if my skills are up to par, and I don't know wether to make a lesbian errorink fic I have a whole
premise but would it be enjoyable? who knows I might do it but I have like two other books that are HEAVILY collecting dust, if you guys are interested I can just do a first chapter of it and go from there but whatever! We need this fic to have its shining moment because fuck me it needs help)

Okay so lets do Ink first since it's
mainly going to be in his pov
-Ink Comyet is the King of France (I believe that its canon Ink is french so I thought why not make him King of France, also this fanfiction is set between middle 1600's to early 1700's as the French revolution happened in 1789 I believe, I'm too lazy to google LOL)
-As this fanfiction uses Momma CQ logic, Inks mother will just be known as Comyet since I'm pretty sure thats just her name and Inks father will be random (if anyone has any ideas for who Inks dead father should be PLEASE comment I would be EXTREMELY grateful)
-Lets get onto another topic, the french, I know quite a lot of French enough to hold a conversation. However, I don't want people to constantly be translating or writing the French then writing the English so I will be writing in English but I will give you a heads up if it is to be spoken in French. I most likely will put what is to be French in different font just so it's easy to see :)
-This may sound silly, but I would love to make this fanfiction historically accurate, just with a couple tweaks here and there so that will influence a lot of my decisions on how events will happen and how characters act (if anyone wants to geek out about history I WOULD LOVE THAT 💕💕)
-ALSO Inks age, I want to Ink to be young as I want to show him grow out of his immaturity so he will be around 16 when becoming King
-this isn't really needed but if you want to know why I made Ink royalty this is the answer, BECAUSE THAT MOTHERFUCKER DESERVES IT JESUS CHRIST, he needs to be lavished in jewels and riches, and I love the premise of Ink being below Error in a hierarchy, mainly because I just love shitting on Ink, but I want Ink to have a little bit more power then Error in this fic (for no reason, it totally isn't so I can give Ink more angst that is definitely not the reason)
I believe that is everything for Ink, now onto Error!
-Lets begin with the elephant in the room what kingdom are the three CQ brothers from, I decided *drumroll* England! And before anyone comes at me with torches or pitchforks let me explain. At first I was going to make the CQ brothers rule over Spain as an homage to Undernovela but during the time this fanfiction is set France and Spain were having a war which only got partially resolved by a treaty in 1659, while on the other hand France and England were close enough as their next major conflict would be around late 1700's to early 1800's, which is way after this fic is set, also I wanted the CQ brothers kingdom to be small and EXTREMELY powerful and the British empire was huge during the 1600's to 1920's
-Now onto another elephant in the room, Error being the youngest brother in this fanfiction. I know for Momma CQ logic, Error is the middle child but I didn't want Error to become king or prepare to as Geno became sickly, as I wanted lots of conflict of Fresh becoming king which will be FULL of juicy drama (trust me, Fresh angst lovers, his plot is gonna make you scream without the s)
-OH another big thing Errors haphephobia, I'm completely stumped with this as I'm not sure wether to include in into the fic or completely scrap it altogether, the most popular idea in my mind at the moment is to have Error have haphephobia but due to the time many people thought he was irrational or weird. This makes Error very independent and when he meets Ink he is quite snarky, uptight and hates asking for help or being supported, this would drive the plot point for them falling in love as Ink at first would be appalled by Errors behaviour but as Error slowly opens
up overcomes or tones down his haphephobia (He is only going to be comfortable with Ink touching him
as Ink is the only person who's ever really tried, since Geno and Fresh are so occupied) Ink falls and he falls HARD and soon one of them proposes. Thats all I've got for Errors haphephobia if y'all like that idea please let me know or say if you have any ideas of your own :)
-I just remembered about Error needing an age so he's going to be a year older then Ink so he will be 17. I actually have a reason for him being a year older since I want Error to feel as if he's more mature then Ink adding to their fighting at the start of the book
-That last point just reminded me of Ink and Errors relationship, they are going to be enemies at first as both of their personalities clash and they are still quite immature, but as they find more about one another and become mature they blossom and one of them will propose
-I decided i'm not going to leak who proposes as I want to keep that a surprise for later on ^_^
-I think this is going to be my last note, this fic will not end after Ink and Errors marriage as I want to include their wedding night and honeymoon ;) I also want to show their relationship after marriage and i'm thinking of adding a pregnancy plot point. Ink and Errors proposal and marriage arc will most likely be the halfway point to this fic but I haven't really planned that far ahead yet LOL
Phew I think that was all the fic vomit I needed to say, if theres anything you guys would like clarification on or if you want to add ideas, give me a comment I will make sure to respond ( I absolutely ADORE you're comments so please feel free to type whatever thoughts are popping up into your brain), the first chapter for this fic should be during this week maybe around Wednesday-Sunday depending on my schedule

The Untold Secrets of Passion, Love and Lust (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now