Chapter 2- Kidnapped

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Opening the door, I came face to face with two guys who appeared to be around my age. But the flattering thing was how both of them were so cute.

I am not dreaming, am I?

It's not a normal thing that two cute guys are standing outside your door this late at night.

Well... Maybe it's not that absurd.. But for me, it was very weird.


I blinked at them.


They blinked at me.


So I stared at them.


They stared at me.


I felt awkward just standing there at my doorstep and staring at the two boys as if they were three-eyed aliens who just stepped out of a spaceship.

"Cats are so cute right?" I said while nodding at one of the guys' t shirt. It had a cute cat print on it.

I know it wasn't what I was supposed to say first but in my desperate need to eliminate the growing awkwardness, I just said what came to my mind first.

"Oh they absolutely are! I had two pet cats once and they were so adorable!" The one with the cat print on his shirt grinned cheekily.

He had ocean blue eyes and black hair just like my own. Something about the excitement in his voice reminded me of myself when I get excited. My eyes light up like that too.

"You did?" I asked. I found his cheeky grin contagious as I myself started grinning when he fell into a babble to tell me about his pet cats.

"Yes.. Mickey and Minnie were their names. Cool names, right?" He wiggled his eyebrows, seeming to be really proud of the names he gave his cats.

"Yeah! Really cool! So where are they now?" I shared his exhilaration.

His grin immediately dropped and a frown took it's place. "They died."

"Both together?" I asked, not liking the way his eyes dimmed down.

"No.. Mickey died first because of his illness. And Minnie.... Jumped in front of a car."

"Damn. Minnie was suicidal." I commented.

"That's right! How do you know?" His fallen expression quickly changed into that of wonder.

That's when his companion cleared his throat to gain our attention. This one was a blond with very pretty hazel eyes. His body stature was more muscular than the cat guy and he was taller as well considering how he easily towered over the two of us.

"Do you guys know each other?" He asked, genuinely confused about how despite us being strangers, we were so freely conversing with each other.

"No..?" The cat guy said as he looked at me to see if he really knew me or not.

Once again, the three of us fell into an awkward stare down.

"Well.. Can I help you? Why are you here?" I asked what I was supposed to ask first.

Both of them gave a look at each other  before cat guy parted his lips to speak.

"We are here to kidnap you." He said as if it was a very normal thing.

"Uh.. Okay."



All three of us were staring at each other again. Catching onto what he said at a delayed pace, my eyes widened.

Kidnap me?! And I said what?!

"Wait what?" I asked. Did I even hear that correct?

"We are here to kidnap you, miss." The Blondie answered this time.

"Is this a joke?" I deadpanned.

"Max isn't no..?"

"Who's Max?"

"Me.. I am Max.. Nice to meet you." The cat guy said, offering me his hand to shake with a happy smile.

"Hi Max, I am Jennifer." I shook his hand, still feeling confused about the whole ordeal.

"Nice to meet you Jennifer. This is Liam." He introduced his partner who gave me an awkward smile.. More like a grimace.

"Hi, Liam." I gave him a short wave.

"Hey." He shifted on his feet uncomfortably, not knowing what to say or do.

"So... Where were we again?" I directed my gaze back on Max.

"You asked if this was a joke." He blinked.

"What was a joke?" I asked.

"We kidnapping you.." Max shrugged.

"Oh yeah right.. So... Is this is a joke?"

Just then I heard some really really bad cursing from behind the two guys. Looking past their shoulders, my soul nearly evaporated when I laid my eyes on two more guys.

Because they weren't just any two guys... These two were Hot. With a capital H.


More like screamed.

"Zack.. Chill bro. We've got this." Max waved him off, not really caring about his outburst.

So his name was Zack.. Nice.

"ARE YOU EVEN FOR REAL, MAX?!" This Zack guy screamed again.

"Uh.. Yes?" Max said after giving it a thought.

Zack face palmed himself so hard he almost slipped backwards. I snorted. What in the world were these guys?

"I told you, Damien. It wasn't a good idea to send these two morons." Zack smeered to the fourth guy.

Damien, the fourth guy; he just stared at me.... Dead into my soul... Expressionless.

He was like a dead body. No emotions at all.

I looked away from him to Max who was smiling at me. Liam appeared to be kind of guilty as he avoided to look at me. Zack just looked pissed and Damien was still staring dead into my soul, as if he knew all of my deepest and darkest secrets.

"What is happening? I am super confused right now." I mumbled.

"Enough... I am doing this myself."

"What do you mean- Ow!"

Zack pulled Max away from me who shrieked at the sudden action and injected something in my neck. I winced when the needle pierced into my skin and within seconds, my head started to spin as I felt dizzy. My vision was getting blurry and the last thing I saw was- Zack smirking at me.

My legs gave up on my body weight and before I could collapse on the ground, I felt someone's arms wrapping around me.

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