It is finished

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As I walk through the valley of shadow of death and though I fear no evil,
I can't help but doubt ,if I can actually be free
Or where I don't have to fear.
And I wonder if there is an escape or somewhere to hide maybe, from all that I fear.

So, I continue to walk that road
In fear , in doubt, in despair.
Although the path almost feels burdensome , I can't help but imagine
How, hope was kindled in the lives of those that walked the same road
And I knew it was Him, I knew He was the reason.

Somehow fear had creeped into my heart like it always did,
That is until I saw it!
I see the cross of Calvary, I see Him hanging on the cross and dying.
"It is finished " He said , as he gave up His spirit.

That is when I knew it in my heart, I had nothing to fear
I no longer had to live in bondage
I could boldly proclaim ' I did not recieve the spirit of bondage again to fear , I have received the spirit of adoption, whereby I can cry "ABBA FATHER" '.

Those three powerful words by Jesus can change your life .
It can bring hope and knowing that fact had saved me , I can walk the same bumpy road with victory.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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