Chapter 8- Torture

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"Woah! What happened to your faces? You guys are looking like you just cosplayed punching bags!" Max exclaimed as soon as he saw them.

Damien completely dismissed him and sat down on the couch beside me, making me tense up from the unexpected action. Why did his closeness suddenly make me feel so self conscious?

In response to Max's inquiry, Zack did not look pleased at all.

"Will you shut your damn mouth up?!" He snapped at him, light brown eyes enraged.

"Chill, dude.... What happened?" Max shrinked into his seat on the other side of me.

"Where's Liam?" Zack asked instead, ignoring his question.

"Taking his due shower." Max shrugged. I nudged him with my elbow.

"Due shower?!"

"Yeah, it was delayed 'cause Jennifer-"

I nudged him harder this time, successing in making his mouth zip up.

"Jennifer what?" Zack demanded, glancing at me for a short second before looking back at Max.

"Jennifer what? um... She-she took too long to come out... From the shower." Max sputtered out in nervousness.

I wanted to punch him so hard for his idiocy but then again, if I were in his place right now, I'd have been like this too-

"What? How does tha-"

"I went out to get ice cream so he was keeping a watch over her." The blue eyed boy interrupted quickly.

"Oh, you guys aren't so useless after all." Zack rolled his eyes, huffing later.

Just then, Liam made appearence with his hair still being all wet from being in the shower, the water dripping down.

He looked like a model-

"What happened to your faces?!" He asked them.

Yup that's what we wanted to know too.

"They doubled the demand." Zack seethed through clenched teeth.

"What?!" Max and Liam shouted at the same time while I was sitting confused. What demand? Why did they, whoever they were, doubled it?

Just what was happening?

"Yup. It's 10 million now. Congratulations." Zack led out an exhausted sigh.

"WHAT?!" It was my time to shine as I shrieked.

"What happened to your forehead?" Zack looked at me in suspicion, eyes narrowing slightly.

"My forehead? What happened to my forehead?" I sweated as I avoided to look into his calculative eyes.

"Why is there a scratch?" He emphasised.

"Oh.. This! This scratch! On my forehead! Yeah.. Why is it here?"

"That's what I asked?"

"Uhm.. My forehead was itching... So, I itched it?" I grinned nervously.


"Can we focus on the serious issue now?" Max interrupted, coming to my rescue.

God bless this boy.

"They want 10 million dollars as soon as possible if they want her to be alive."

Who is 'her'? And who are 'they'? And why do they want 10 million dollars?

And what does that have to do with me?!

"How are we going to get that much money?!" Liam looked worried.

Zack looked at me while all the other boys followed his gaze and I knew it meant doom for me.


So now here I am, bound to a chair in that stinky basement again, wrists trapped to the arms of the chair by a securely tied rope.

Zack stood in front of me, looking down at me with no mercy while Liam was holding a camera, ready to record all of the torture I am about to be facing. The fourth member of their group,  Damien just stood against a wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Yup. We are executing Zack's plan, who currently seemed to be thinking about ways to torture me. 

"Please don't do this! Zack please! Damien tell him to stop!" His desperate voice begged as Max urged the boys to abort this plan at once.

He was the only one who despite us still being complete strangers cared for me. I could see that Liam didn't want this to happen to me as well but he didn't have the courage to stand up against Zack.

And I? I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know why this was happening to me. All my brain could think of was the torture I was about to be enduring.

Then it came; a hard slap across the face. My eyes were immediately filled with painful tears and all I could do was wince and feel pathetic at my helplessness.

Another burning slap made contact with my face, more to soon follow. It was painful. All this was painful.

A crying mess I was, pleading and begging at him to stop and let me go. But all of my pleas fell on deaf ears.

Soon, my stomach had to be faced with a punch. I felt all the breath leaving my lungs as I choked, my mouth filling with blood. The metallic taste of blood was not at all appetising.

Zack yanked up my face by grabbing a fistful of my hair, glaring into my teary eyes as I sat in front of him, as helpless as I could have been in this situation.

"Please- Please, stop." I whispered to him.

But before he could even say or do anything, he was harshly pulled off away from me by someone grabbing his arm.

It was Max.

Liam immediately stopped recording, now focusing on the black haired boy's wrath instead just like the rest of us.

"JUST STOP IT!" Max thundered before swinging his clenched fist backwards to create momentum to strike Zack's face as hard as possible.

He looked furious. Not just normal furious, he looked like he could murder Zack then and there with the livid look in his usually kind eyes.

Max was fighting for me....Why?

Liam tried to pull Max away but it wasn't working. Soon enough, Damien had to jump into their fight to stop them too and before I realised it, I passed out.

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