UnExpected Boyfriends

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Its MewMild. I dont remember who asked for it. But i randomly came up with the idea. So here it is for you love.

Mewsaintshipper.  Its for you😘😘

Unexpected Boyfriends.
A MewMild oneshot.

"Come on Mild. Not again". Mew groaned looking at the crying boy in his dorm. "You are being insecure again".

"Insecure? Have you ever seen how you look at him with love stuck eyes? Even today. You were practically eye fucking him. At the fanmeet too. Was it necessary to hold him all the time? Wrap him close or cling to him. Why dont you keep him stuck to you with some kind of glue so that nothing could come between both of you.

You know what? I think you are tired of me. You are bore of me. Am not that hot like him. Am not beautiful like him. And then you have to bear all my moods, am a freeloader right? Why dont you break up with me and propose him "? Mild burst out in tears as he yelled at Mew.

Mew sighed for the umpteenth time. He racked his hair in frustration before going to hold the petite body of his unofficial boyfriend, crying for the past half hour.

Yes they were boyfriends. Though they both couldnt disclose since it was the promotion time for their super hit series part 2.

The main conflict was Mild being jealous or insecure of Gulf, Mew's onscreen partner and boyfriend turned husband.

Well a long story to go....

Mew met Gulf on the sets of their boys lover series. He didnt know him before. Neither did Gulf. They had auditioned for their characters and clicked there and then. Their chemistry, their dialogue delivery. Their expressions. Everything was perfect and that got them the respective roles of Tharn and Type.

As per the main lead, they were required to build up their relationship during workshops. That means more skinship, more interaction and coordination. 

It was going fine until a certain boy started to feel annoyed.

Mild Jinna. A long term Friend and almost recent proposed boyfriend of Mew Suppassit. He was younger than Mew, jolly. Bubbly. Friendly. The only person Mew was open with. 

He was aware of the fact that Mew and Gulf need to be emotionally comfortable with each other in order to perform in the drama, since they had very mature scenes and also yes because they were supposed to show how in love they were, on screen.

He was okay in the beginning, as far as it was kept to the workshop, but things started to irritate him when Gulf started visiting Mew at his dorm. The one he shared with Mild.

It gave them the margin to practice their scenes together, but, when Mew was required to practice with Gulf alone, those times were hard on Mild.

He would panic inside, would get jealous at their intimacy. Even if they had not kissed offscreen, ofcourae they had to kiss onscreen. Mild would burn in jealousy to see them pretending.

No... He didnt sign up for this when he accepted Mew's proposal. He didnt accept to choose anyone else in their life. But here, he was helpless.

He would walk out of their dorm when Mew and Gulf would get intimate. He would make sure for Mew to know that he was not okay. That he was not comfortable. And everytime Mew would comfort him, console him. Would whisper sweet nothings until he would giggle and blush again.

But ... Mew knew it would be hell.

He knew if Mild couldnt bear his offscreen closeness,  how would he react when they would actually start filming for it. And that was his worst nightmare. And worstly, it came alive.

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