Love Remains The Same

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I dont really know how to start a story off, so im going to start like this. One day a independant, happy young girl, whent to school and experinced something that changed her life forever. She went to school, - bearing in mind she was only 13 and was in year 8 going to year 9 - it was like any other day; going to school, learning things she didnt even need to know as is wouldnt help what she wanted to be when she was older, and she was thinking everyday at school, 'how is this going to help my future im already working on it in music and im nearly there already, so does English, Maths and Science have to do with guitars and music' but she had to go. She wanted to go to see all of her friends and have a good time at break and lunch. Anyway as i was saying one day she went to school, on a Tuesday i think, it doesnt matter what date it was. She saw this boy who was 13, he was tall with short dark brown spikey hair, with the most amazing eyes ever, blue with a hint of yellow, he was amazing. She thought that they would just be friends for a long time and they were, they used to go out to the Brooke with their bestfriends and we all started to 'like' eachother a bit more, none of them thought anything of it, just a little fling, you know? but when it came to June 1st 2010, on her birthday, she was at her bestfriends house and she recieved a text of this boy with amazing eyes, you know who he is. The text said

"Will you go out with me, I'v liked you for a long time, ever since we first saw eachother, and through the time we was at Wills house on the trampoline and all our memories together, so will you?"

She didnt know what to reply back with. She turned to her bestfriend and asked for advice, but she did like, not love, but like this other boy but he was out of her league and was a couple of years older than her with a girlfriend, she knew that she would never get a chance with him ever. When she asked her bestfriend for help, her bestfriend just said

"Say yes, he loves you and i know you have some feelings for him but you will never get a chance with your other 'lover' not to be mean but you wouldnt, give it a chance if it doesnt work then dump him", so she said "okay then" so she replied saying "yes of course". He was over the moon.

After months of going on and off with the relationship, they still loved eachother and still do now. The date was March 18th 2011, they decided not to go out anymore, they still loved eachother more than anything in the world but they didnt see enough of eachother so they decided to give it a break, they didnt break up because they didnt love eachother anymore , they broke up because they love eachother too much. They still ar'nt together now and its April 2nd 2011, still love eachother but now they are both going to the Download Festival 2011 with eachother and their two bestfriends, they actually cant wait to be with eachother for a whole weekend, seeing Avenged Sevenfold with her in his arms through a sad song, hugging and cuddling eachother like the old times. They have both went through a lot, it was like an emotional rollercoaster. They still love eachother more than anything though. I dont really know what to put now but he did say thay them two will be back together one day and that one day wiill come soon, so she cant wait.

This is only a short story but its a huge part of my life and i would love it if you could relate to this and understand what im going through at this moment in time. The girl who i said and was reffering to as 'She' or 'Her' was infact me... hello. Im the girl who loves this boy more than anything in the world and nothing will change that in a million years. I've been through so much crap with him its unbeliveable but i will always love him. I love you Reece with all my heart and nothings going to change that i just wanted you to know how much you mean to me.

If your wondering why this little story is called 'Love Remains The Same' its because that was our song and it always makes us cry when we think about us being together and it relates to how we feel about eachother because it does remain the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2011 ⏰

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