Remember Us

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The doctor told Jennie and her parents that it was only a matter of time before she died.

If Jennie wasn't wild before, she definitely was now after hearing the news.

She didn't give a fuck. She drank and smoked and skipped school and all around would have pissed her parents off if they weren't so sad she was going to die soon. So they let her do whatever she wanted mostly, as long as she stayed safe. As safe as an already dying teenager could get anyway. They just expected Jennie not to cut her life shorter than it already was.

Today was a Friday and Jennie was trying to sneak out as usual.

She didn't really need to, her parents would have probably let her go. She could have lied about going to a party and just told them she was going to a friend's house instead and they wouldn't have asked her further questions but Jennie needed the rush of getting caught doing something bad in order to feel something. In order to feel alive.

She was clinging from the top of her roof, trying to let herself down. This might have been a bad idea because Jennie was short and while she really didn't care what happened to her considering she was about to die anyway, she'd rather not break a bone and spend her last days in a cast or something.

She squeaked and accidentally let go of the roof when she felt hands on her waist. She was sure she was about to break a leg when she fell but steady hands gripped her sides and brought her down gently instead.

She turned around once she was safely on the ground and realized that the hands belonged to the girl next door.

"Sorry, it just looked like you needed help." She mumbled to Jennie, backing up slowly.

"Oh, um thanks." Jennie answered awkwardly.

"No problem. Next time you want to sneak out you should call me so I can help, you almost broke something there."

Jennie almost blushed.

"Thanks, but I've got it covered." Jennie said adamantly.

"Okay," Her neighbor responded simply.

Jennie walked away and didn't look back at the girl next door. She went to the party and got too drunk and came back a few hours later to sneak back in. She was sure she would get caught and worry her parents more because of how much she drank.

She wasn't supposed to drink, considering she was dying and was being heavily dosed with medicine that was supposed to stop her from dying even sooner. Medicine that wasn't supposed to be mixed with alcohol. She definitely couldn't climb back up in this state so she was going to have to use the front door and they would definitely hear her and catch on to the fact she was a little wasted.

She stumbled to the front door when she saw the ladder. It was hidden enough. She wouldn't have noticed it if it hadn't been for the fact that she had looked towards her room and squinted, trying to decide if maybe she could climb the rafters after all to get there. The liquid courage making her feel a little brave.

Jennie walked to the ladder and used it to climb up to the roof before she let it drop into the bushes, climbing through her bedroom window right after. She looked out of her window to the next house over. There was only one person who could have left that for her.


Jennie saw the girl next door at school on Monday and decided to approach her.

"Thanks." Jennie said simply, before starting to walk away.

"No problem, Jennie."

Jennie stopped then. Turning around.

"You know who I am?"

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