First Time in UA

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It's my first day at UA, I barely passed the entrance exam. I honestly felt bad for the green haired kid. He saved someone and beat a huge robot but then again it was a 0-pointer robot. I finally walked up to the door.

"Wow, this door is huge!" I thought. I was about to go in until I heard a familiar mutter behind me. It was the green haired boy!

"O-oh hey! Y/n, right?" He spoke shyly, "My name is Izuku Midoriya"

"Well hi, Midoriya! Yes my name is, Y/n" I spoke. "By the way, what you did at the entrance exam, that was amazing! You risked everything to save that girl even though you could've lost the whole thing. I mean how did you still get in it was a zero pointer?"

"Thanks and I got saving points from saving her! So, that's how I was still able to get in the hero course!" he said confidently and shyly.

"Oh okay, well, Midoriya, would you like to walk in the room with me?" I asked the messy green haired boy.

"um, sure!" he spoke.

I opened the very large door and me and Midoriya walked into the classroom together. There weren't as many people as I thought there would be. The things I saw were very confusing though. I saw a blue haired boy yelling at a very attractive blonde ash haired boy. I also saw one kid who looked like a human version of Pikachu asking out the girl, Midoriya, saved at the entrance exam. She rejected him though. The blonde boy looked at me and Midoriya. I think they knew each other by the way he looked at us. I don't think they are very fond of each other though.

"Oh hey, Deku!" the girl said coming over.

"Deku?" I wondered.

"O-oh. H-hey Uraraka!" He said stuttering and turning as red as a tomato.

'Pikachu' looked interesting. I went over to him to try and introduce myself. His name was, Denki Kaminari. His quirk was electricity. He really was a human version of Pikachu. He then told me that whenever he overuses his quirk he short circuits. He then asked me what my quirk was.

"Oh well my quirk is-" As I was telling him I was cut off by a tall man in a yellow sleeping bag.

"If you're here to make friends go pack your bags" The man in the sleeping bag said.

He came out of his sleeping bag revealing his long, black, hair. He looked very tired. He looked a little familiar as well. Then as soon as I saw his long scarf around his neck I knew that this was Pro Hero Eraserhead. He used to be my favorite Pro Hero when I was younger. Now my favorite Pro Hero was probably Endeavor. Which, I know a lot of his family didn't like him. Even though I had no idea why.

(A/N: you didn't know YET)

He is such a great hero, maybe not that great of a person though. I know not a lot of fans had a great interaction with him, but I did. I got a picture AND signature of him. I then saw a boy with red and white hair, heterochromia, and a scar on his face in class. I then knew that was endeavors son. I knew this because I followed Endeavor's daughter, Fuyumi, on Instagram and she has posted the boy before.

"Um, hey-" I was quickly cut off by, Eraserhead.

"Take your seats everyone" He said sounding annoyed over the class already.

(A/N: I'm changing seating arrangements for the sake of the story)

I was placed in between a red-haired, shark-toothed-boy and the ash blonde-haired boy from earlier. They both were very attractive. We were all in the front row. Midoriya was behind the blonde boy, a pink skinned girl was behind the boy with red-hair, and finally behind me was a very peculiar boy. He kind of reminded me of this ✨ emoji. It also looked like he had cheese with him. After sitting in our seats from hero training for a couple seconds. I learned that our teachers name was Aizawa Shota. We were allowed to call him, Mr. Aizawa or  Sensei-Aizawa. He would respond to either. That's all I learned before he told us to get in our training uniforms, then we all went outside. I learned more about the people I'm sitting by. In general just people in my class.

-  Yaoyorozu Momo, her quirk: Creation. It gives her the ability to create any non-living material or object from exposed skin by transforming the molecular structure of her fat cells.

-  Ashido Mina, (the pink skinned girl behind the red-haired boy) her quirk: Acid. It allows her a corrosive liquid from her body.

- Midoriya Izuku, (the green-haired boy that sits behind the ash blonde-haired boy) his quirk: unknown. I know it is very similar to All Might's quirk though.

- Bakugou Katsuki, (the ash blonde-hair boy that sits next to me) his quirk: Explosion. His sweat is / is like nitroglycerin which makes him able to explode things, not too sure how it works though.

- Kirishima Eijiro, (the red-haired boy that sits next to me) His quirk: Hardening. He can turn any part of his body as hard as stone.

- Uraraka Ochako, her quirk: Zero Gravity. she can manipulate gravity in ways such as making objects seem weightless. She makes objects float in the air just by touching them. But if she overuses it she throws up.

While talking to the other girls, this short kid with 3 or 4 purple balls on his head. He kept making inappropriate comments about all of the girls bodies, including me. He looked around 3 foot tall. I thought I was short, but this kid is really short. He then tried to touch our butt's. I kicked him away. That was disgusting, he kept drooling over us. Then, Mr. Aizawa, wanted our attention again. He showed us want he wanted us to do.

(A/N: I don't exactly remember this scene because it was in the earlier manga and earlier episodes but I'll try and re-create as good as I can)

"The person with the lowest points gets expelled" Aizawa-Sensei said a little too casually.

"What! That's so unfair!" We all cried out except, Yaoyorozu.

"Life's unfair, get over it" He said annoyed

First, we were throwing tennis balls to see how far we can throw it now compared to middle school. The only difference now is we are allowed to use our quirks now. First up was Uraraka, she threw the ball...

"INFINITY!" I cried out. Luckily no one heard my cry. "How am I supposed to beat her. How is ANYONE supposed to compete with that?!" I thought. The next person was Bakugou. He threw up to about 67 meters.

(A/N: idk if that's right, so please correct me if I'm wrong).

Next up, me. I threw the ball using my quirk. About 66 meters! That's 24 meters better than middle school! I walked away happily. Then everyone else went. Lastly Midoriya threw the ball and there was some lightning happening over where the ball was.

"Must be the flashy part of his quirk" I thought.

I guess, Bakugou, wasn't paying attention because he apparently thought, Midoriya, was quirkless. Then, Midoriya let go of the ball...

It didn't even go in the air, it immediately dropped to the ground. Bakugou, had chuckled at what had just happened to the fluffy green-haired boy. I then looked at Aizawa to get a sense of what happened. I was correct, this is Pro Hero Eraserhead. He had erased, Midoriya's, quirk. "Why would he do that? He had done that for no one else. So why had he done it for, Midoriya. "I thought. He then gave him his quirk back. I couldn't make out what they were saying before. Then Midoriya tried again.

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