Forever In My Heart

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Barbatos wakes up as his alarm clock beeps loudly, as he reads the time; 4:30 A.M that was his cue to get up at the start this day, he was really looking forward to today, it was your birthday and he is planning to making today the best birthday ever for you. He already reserved a place at your favorite cafe place, bought two movie tickets to Coraline, a movie you hold dearly in your heart, he also bought you a beautiful green flower bouquet

Barbatos puts the bouquet in some cute wrapping, and starts to leave his room to go and fetch you for your little birthday date. As Barbatos heads towards the exit, he runs into Diavolo, up earlier than expected "Oh, Barbatos, what are you doing here, with a bouquet?" Diavolo asks curious as to what Barbatos is doing. "Ah, my Lord, I apologize as I am going to be spending the entire day with MC, for their birthday." Barbatos says, running off and leaving Diavolo in utter confusion.

Barbatos heads to the House of Lamentation and sees you, picking some flowers and making them into bracelets. Barbatos yells out MC's name, running towards them. "Happy birthday, my love. I grew this bouquet 3 months prior to your special day." Barbatos says, gifting the bouquet to MC, as he kisses them on the forehead. "Thank you Barbatos! I really appreciate it" MC says, a light pink blush evident on their cheeks. "Shall we go then? I have the whole day planned out for you" Barbatos says, holding MC's hand as they walk towards the city. "Barbatos? Where exactly are we going?" MC asks, but their cheeks turn bright red when the two of them enter MC's favorite cafe "We're eating at your favorite cafe, love" Barbatos says, sitting down and ordering some crispy pasta, mango shake, leche flan , chicken nuggets, and some cookies; all being your favorite foods "It'll be on me, my darling" Barbatos says as he finishes ordering his food.

While you and Barbatos are peacefully eating and chatting, he suddenly points behind you, toward the cafe window. "Look dear, a squirrel" Barbatos says as you excitedly turn around to see the cute little thing be a squirrel and do squirrel stuff. Barbatos chuckles loving your little animal lover side. "Oh, we better get going, we're going to miss it" Barbatos says, looking at his watch and gently taking your hand while rushing to the movie theater.

Your eyes light up in excitement as you two are in the movie theater, about to see Coraline, this is the best birthday you have in years. While watching the movie and eating some popcorn, Barbatos decides to hold your hand which causes you to blush lightly and makes Barbatos chuckle as you lean your head on his shoulder. As the movie ends and you two get out of your seats, Barbatos quickly cups your cheeks and kisses you.

"Thank you so much for today Barbatos.. I love you so much" MC says, blushing lightly as Barbatos walks them back to the House Of Lamentation, "No need to thank me, my love. After all, I love you forever in my heart." Barbatos says as you two arrive at the House Of Lamentation. "Again.. Thank you Barbatos, I love you so much" MC says, letting go of Barbatos's hand and kisses him. "I love you so much as well, MC." Barbatos says as he watches MC enter the House of Lamentation.

As Barbatos returns back to the castle, he sees something unusual. Everyone is there, Diavolo, The 7 Demon Brothers, the 2 angels and 1 human exchange program student, all circled around talking about something. "There he is." Simeon says, looking at Barbatos with pity in his eyes. "Ah, Barbatos. We were just discussing about you" Diavolo says, motioning Barbatos to enter the room. "You see, you've kept on talking and acting as if MC is still... well uhm, alive. We think it is best if you see a licensed professional." Diavolo says firmly, forcing the situation on Barbatos, it's been three months after your death and Barbatos still hasn't realized and accepted the fact you aren't here anymore. "Listen, we all miss MC and stuff and we understand you were the closest to them, being MC's partner but.. You have to accept the fact they're not here anymore." Solomon says, looking away from Barbatos. "What do you mean? Surely this is a prank. After all, I was with MC the entire day" Barbatos chuckles out, heading towards his room to rest, leaving the others in even more concern and worry. He still hasn't accepted the fact you're not here with him anymore, even when he was present during the incident.

Forever In My Heart - Barbatos x GN!Reader AngstWhere stories live. Discover now