B O N U S - F I R S T D A T E

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3rd POV

I sat on the couch, nervously pulling on my fingers.

"You look fine, honey. Stop being so nervous. You've known this boy for a while now, no need to be nervous." Mary told her in her usual soothing voice.

"I've known him in the setting of a camp out in the middle of a desert. Not in public or in a city. What if I somehow act differently or-or he acts differently." Y/n rambled.

Hector came into the living room, a half eaten bagel in his hand.

"You'll be fine. Ricky loves you and you love him. You'll both have a great time just being in each other's company. Ever since I've been at Camp Green, and saw the way that both of you care for each other, there is nothing in this entire world that will change the way that you feel for each other." Hector explained before he took a bite of his bagel.

As Y/n was about to say something, there was a knock at the door.

"Ooo, he's here." Mary clapped excitedly.

"I'll get it. I'm the man of the house, I need to give him the talk. Man to man." Hector said seriously as he made his way to the door.

Hector opened the door with a seriousness in his demeanor.

Ricky looked up from the ground and smiled at Hector. Ricky was wearing blue jeans and a loose t-shirt. His hair was shorter and neatly combed, but still messy.

"Hey, Hector."

"Hello, young man." Hector said, trying to make his voice deeper. Ricky looked at the young boy confused. Hector glared at Ricky as he took a bite of his bagel.

"What are your intentions with my sister?" Hector asked as he crossed his arms.

"Uh...To have a good time with her...I guess." Ricky answered as he pushed his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans.

"Ahuh. What kind of a good time? Hmm?"

Y/n shot up from her spot on the couch and quickly went to the door.

"Okay, time to go. We don't want the bowling alley to close before we get there, now do we?" Y/n chuckled nervously.

"Have a good time, hun. Be back by midnight please." Mary said with a smile.

"Be back by eleven." Hector corrected sternly. Mary lightly slapped Hector's arm.

"Twelve's good. Now go." Mary said as she shooed Y/n out of the house.

"I'm watching you pal." Hector said as the door closed, pointing at Ricky.

Y/n let out a sigh of relief when the door shut.

"Sorry about Hector."

"It's fine. I get it." Ricky gave her a reassuring smile.

When they reached his car, Ricky opened the passenger door and motioned for Y/n to get in as he bowed.


Y/n smiled and did a curtsy with her imaginary dress.

"Why thank you kind sir." Y/n replied as she got into the car.


A dark blue bowling ball rolled down the lane and hit the pins right in the center. Knocking all of them down.

Y/n turned around with a triumphant smile.

"Fifth strike in a row. Might as well give up now Ricky, I am undefeatable." Y/n smiled as she made her way back to her seat.

"I thought you said you haven't been bowling since you were young? How are you so good?" Ricky aske as Y/n took a sip of her root beer.

"I said I haven't bowled in a while, I never said how good of a bowler I was when I was younger. My dad and I would come to the bowling alley every weekend." Y/n smiled at the memory. 

The rest of the night they played the arcade games that were at the bowling alley. Y/n won almost every game that they played. The only game she couldn't win at was the dreaded claw machine.

Y/n sighed as she rested her head against the glass. The claw had dropped the stuffed dog that she had been trying to win. She had spent around five dollars on the claw machine so far. Ricky stood leaning against the game next to it.

"I give up. This stupid machine is rigged." Y/n groaned.

"Let me try." Ricky said as he stood up straight and made his way to Y/n's spot as she moved. She handed him a dollar and he put it in the machine.

Y/n watched as the claw hovered over the stuffed animals.

"I'm gonna get that dog." Ricky mumbled as he eyed where the claw was.

Y/n wasn't too hopeful.

Ricky hit the release button and the claw dropped onto the stuffed animals. The wrapped its claws around the dog toy and lifted up. It held onto the dog's ear and it jerked its way over to the opening to drop the toy. Both teens watched carefully, not moving in fear of the machine dropping it back into the pile. When the claw dropped the toy into the prize opening, Y/n's jaw dropped while Ricky smirked at her.

"Boom." Ricky smirked as he mimicked dropping a microphone. He reached into the prize opening and pulled out the stuffed animal before handing it to Y/n.

"My hero." Y/n smiled as she held the dog to her chest before she went onto her tiptoes and gave Ricky a gentle kiss. "I'll cherish it forever." Y/n said before giving him another quick kiss.

"Come on, I have one more thing I wanted us to do before I took you home." Ricky said as he grabbed her hand. 


Y/n and Ricky walked down a sidewalk in a small park, ice cream cones in their hands. They stopped at a bench near a pond and sat down.

"I thought we could watch the stars for a bit." Ricky said with a small smile.

"Perfect." Y/n smiled before she licked her ice cream. She rested her head on Ricky's shoulder as they both looked up at the sky.
After a moment of silence, Ricky looks down at his lap.

"Do you...Do you think your dad would have liked me?"
Y/n looked up at him from his shoulder and he looked down at her.

"Oh yeah. My dad would've loved you. He definitely would've tried to scare the crap out of you and then end up liking you." Y/n smiled sadly. Ricky grabbed her free hand with his and kissed her forehead before they both looked back up at the stars.

//A/N: Here's a bonus chapter! Sorry it took so long. I've been really busy with practices and school work, I haven't had time to work on bonus chapters. I worked on this one while I was in a study hall and a teacher came up to me asking what I was writing about. She was reading it from over my shoulder for about five minutes! It was really embarrassing. Anyways, I plan on writing two more bonus chapters. One of their wedding, and another when they have a family. If you want any other bonus chapters, please comment what you want and I can do my best to write to expectation!//

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