Born To Be Brave

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Gaga and Taylor left their bags in the bedroom they usually used. The newlyweds were gonna stay in Taylor's friends' beach shack in San Diego for a few days to enjoy the sun and the beach, -"What time is it, like 5pm?"-Gaga asked, Taylor nodded, -"Yeah, the boys have food on the grill, wanna go eat?", -"Yeah sure, lemme just change to something more light and beachy"-Gaga said, taking off her pantsuit and throwing on a beach dress, -"You look good baby"-Taylor smiled, kissi g his wife softly.

The group of friends laughed and ate by the fire at the beach.
-"So, ready to go surfing tomorrow?"-Mick, Taylors friend asked, Taylor smiled, -"Yes of course! I just have to wax up the board ans we are good to go!", -"We found this place, its just a few minutes away walking, it has these masive waves, I mean, its also a bit rocky but it will do!", Taylor nodded, -"Okay, we'll have a ride there after breakfast"; as the conversation unfolded, Gaga stared down at her food absently, -"Babe, you okay?"-Taylor asked, Gaga looked up and smiled -"Yeah, I'm just a bit cold", Taylor then draped his arm around his wife and cuddled her tight. By 2am, the San Diego night has gotten almost too cold, so everyone decided to go to bed. Gaga was sitting on the edge of the cozy Queen Size bed, applying lotion into her arms as Taylor took off his shirt and brushed his teeth for sleepies. -"....Are you really okay baby? Do you want us to go?"-Taylor said, looking at her attentively, -"No,'s not that. I just....the whole surfi g thing", -"What about it?", Gaga sighed, -"I just think its a bit dangerous", -"Oh Stef...", -"No no, I've seen you falling feom that board before, and I've nursed your bruises, but when Mick said that the place you were gonna go was ROCKY, I got scared! I Am scared that something might happen to you", Taylor nodded, -"I promise I will take care of.myself. i promise baby", -"...You do?", -"Yeah", -"....Mmmmokay. I love you Taylor", -"I love you too Stef, goodnight".

Gaga laced up her expensive bikini and threw on a beach robe over it, slipping her feet into some fancy sandals. She went out into the tiny living room, -"So If I'm not here to save the breakfast, y'all just wont do shit huh?"-she joked, putting her sunglasses on top of her head and kissing her husband deeply, -"You're the cook here!", -"Thats not sexist AT ALL. Dont worry guys"-Gaga chuckled, juggling around trying to make breakfast for 7 statving men.
Gaga and Taylor sat on the terrace to enjoy the breeze and the delicious breakfast, -"Is it good?"-Gaga asked, eating a piece of omelet, -"It's great baby. Thank you so much"-he smiled, caressing her hand, Gaga smiled and sighed, -"How do you see the waves?", -"Theyre pretty agressive today but thats just the tide, it'll be fine"-he responded, sipping the last of his juice, -"I'll go shower...did you shower already?"-Taylor asked his wife with a naughty grin, -"YES I DID"-She laughed, smacking his butt while he made his way inside. Gaga stared into the ocean munching on the last of her grapes and checking her mail on her trusty iPhone. She then went inside again and washed her dishes and sat beside Taylors brother, Adam, -"Whats up, sister in law"-he said, poking her cheek, -"Nothing, I'm just thinking about Taylor going surfing today and stuff, Im not sure if thats the best idea", Adam frowned, -"Why not?", -"I have this gut feeling...maybe I'm just being a control freak wife but, I'm just saying"-she dismissed herself, Adam smiled at her, -"Stef, Taylor is like a pro on that board, nothing to worry about!".

-"Man this is far away"-Gaga complained, wiping some sweat off her forehead while shr walked hand in hand with Taylor and the other guys towards the special surf place, -"Yeah it is"-he responded, with his surfboard under his free arm.

Taylor floated around with Gaga clinging to his back, -"This is soo relaxing, I could fall asleep just here"-she whispered, kissing his neck; Taylor smiled and nodded, -"We could but that probably woildnt be a good idea"-he joked, letting her go, -"I'm gonna go for a little surf"-hr announced, helping her reach the shore, -"Are you?"-she mumbled, drying off a little, -"Yeah...I'll be okay baby", -"I know you'll be....impress me, I'll be watching"-Gaga said, trying to sound supportive, Taylor gave her his million dollar smiled and kissed her deeply before going to where the guys were.

Gaga watched her man surf the waves swiftly and shuffle through the rocky sea, -"Told you"-Adam assured her, she smiled and continued admiring her husband. Aftee a while; the waves got wilder, pushing Taylors board into the rocks as he barely managed to skip them, -"....He needs to stop now"-Gaga mumbled, biting her nails, -"Mick, tell him to stop!, -"He wont listen, hes a hardhead!"; Gaga rolled her eyes and started walking to where Taylor could see her; and then she saw how everything unfolded before her eyes. A massive wave pushed Taylor off his board as he crashed into the rocks and the board not far behind, his body was being played arpund with by the merciless water that just kept on crashing against him, amd then Gaga heard screams. Her own screams.

Part 2 coming soon xoxo

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