Future Fashion Designer

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Future Fashion Designer

By Hayley

My name is Macy, and i must confess, i am a girly girl. And I was proud of it! Now, if you ever hear about makeup, shoes, fashion, or pink , you're hearing about me. These things i just mentioned are my life. If i see anything pink, i have to get it! Now i know what your thinking, no... i am not spoiled okay. My girly girl-ness started here. I was 1 years old, and all i wanted to do was be a diva. Some kids wanted to be a veternarian, or a doctor, but not me, i wanted to be a fashion god. All i would think about is be fashionable and perfect. When I was 4, I begged my mom if she would put me in pagents, but that was to expensive. I knew that in her heart she wanted to put me in pagents but she just couldnt afford it. She soon put me in Ballet, which was totally okay with me! I was still fabulous in my tu tu, pink ballet shoes and a perfect bun in my hair! So as long as i wore pink, i was happy. When I was 6, I decited I wanted to be a fashion designer. I started right away on sketching out clothes on coloring pages and drew fashion models. Soon it was job day at school. I knew exactly what I was going to do. I was going to be my pink tu tu and work it down the classroom rows. This is what I wanted the most. To be in the spotlight! But how can a 12 year old fashionable girl like myself make it when I was so young? I had an idea.

Chapter 2

The plan.

My mom told me that we are going to New York City to visit my aunt, Cindy.

I can just picture the big signs saying..

Macy! The one and only has arrived!

but let's not get ahead of our selfs, thats when I grow up. I decited on what I am wearing to new york. My pink tu tu, (of course) with a pink ruffly shirt, and pink lipstick. Pink Pink Pink. And don't forget the shoes. Pink ballet flats, of course. They fit my personality perfectly. On the way to New York City, there on the plane was a girl, who looked my age. She of course had her pink tu tu (what a poser.) and some SPARKLY BALLET SHOES. That was it for me. I couldn't Bear to see anyone else but me have pink ballet flats. So instead of being rude and throwing my package of penuts at her, I said, "excuse me, what are THOSE on your feet?"

she replied with,

"oh, these? they are my pink sparkly ballet shoes. I love them very much. Want to try them on?".

I said, no thank you. My whole plane ride consisted of staring at her pink sparkly flats until I fell asleep.

When we finally got to New York, all I saw was Fashion Fashion Fashion.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I was in heaven. I tried to stay calm, but it didn't work. I ran with my mom to every shop and looked at the manecans dressed in pink scarfs, ribbons, hats, shirts, shoes, HAIR, you name it. In the corner of my eye, I spotted a pink sparkly wig. Did my eyes deceive me? I BEGGED my mom for it,

"pretty pretty please mom with a Cherry on top? I wont ask you for anything else the whole trip!"

my mom said,


And bought me the wig. This was the happiest day of my life. I was wearing ALL PINK. The wig completed my outfit perfectly. I was in love. When we got to my aunts house she was very excited to see me. She was surprised at my wig but she laughed and smiled at me. My aunt Cindy has always thought of my personality a little strange but of course, how can she understand my passion for fashion? She showed me to a nice little guest room that my mom and i were going to be sharing for this week. The room was completly DULL. How can I live like this for a week? With absolutely no exceptions of pink? As soon as my mom and aunt left the room I unpacked my pink suitcase and started right away. I decited to turn on the tv that was sitting in the corner of our room while I was unpacking. I was soon interupted by an ad on the tv. It was describing an event here in New York City. I quickly yelled for my mom to hurry in the room. The event was an audition for the chance to be a child model.! ON TV. Again, I begged her and she eventually said okay. I had to get started right away on what I was going to wear, how to impress the judges, its just so exiting!

I spent the next couple of days planning how the audition was going to go. I wanted this so incredibly bad so this audition had to go perfect. Ive watched people audition on X Factor and things didn't go so well. But on the bright side people became stars, Exactly like One Direction. I've decided that I wanted to wear my pink sparkly shirt along with pink leggings and a tutu. Oh, and don't forget the pink ballet flats.

The audition is on June 10th Meaning I have a couple of days to plan this audition out. Oh, I also forgot I decorated the guest room! It finally meets my expectations. Pink from head to toe top to bottom. How can things go bad?

Chapter 3

The day of the audition

I woke up the day of the audition feeling nervous as ever, but I knew the judges would love me. What did i have to do? Sing, dance, act? I wasn't sure how it was going to go. I put on my best pink outfit and woke up my mom.
I tapped her three times and opened the curtains. "MOM! TODAY IS THE DAY! WE HAVE TO GO, GET UP."
My mom rolled around in her bed for awhile so I walked away. I went into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. "Strawberry Cheerios it is today." I had to eat strawberry Cheerios. They were pink of course, I had to be glamorous inside and out. When my mother finally woke up I was all ready to go. She was still in her pajamas so i has to actually wait an hour. (How inconsiderate)
When it was finally time to go to my audition my mom and I got in the car and sped off. "Macy, find the directions to this place on my phone please."
I took her phone and typed in the address. It seemed far away but I didn't care. I handed it back to her.
After about an hour (which felt like a lifetime) we finally got there. The building looked somewhat nice so I was pleased. "A building as beautiful as me" I said as I walked into the building.
We checked in with the front desk first. The lady wore some horrendous blue eyeshadow with purple lipstick. As her smacking bubble gum mouth followed her eyes to look at me I didn't know what else to say but "you're looking at a future star" the lady just ignored me (rude) and gave my mom some papers to fill out before my audition.
My mom only took a billion years to fill out this paperwork. Why do we need paperwork anyway? The next step was to wait in line. There was so many other kids there. I knew I would beat them all. When it was finally my turn, they told me to step on a piece of tape that was on the floor, and recite a bubblegum toothpaste commercial ad. I did it as cheeky and perfectly as I could, and they just told the next kid to come. I stopped back there. "Excuse me? That's it?" I was shocked at what the guy said next.
"Yeah, That's it. Next"
"NOW hold on a minute. I did NOT wear this pink outfit just to waste it. I'm PERFECT for this role. Bubblegum, me? PINK?"
"I'm sorry kid but the role is already taken. She's right over there."
I followed his pointed finger to see the girl with the pink sparkley flats I sat next to on the plane 
"YOU" I said.
The man then said to me "I'm sorry kid. But her audition was better. Plus, your attitude stinks too. Have a good day. Thanks for auditioning."
My whole mood shifted as I followed my mother out the doors.

Chapter four

The realization

On the whole way home, I started to think about the way I had been acting. I asked my mom "do I have a bad attitude?" My mom told me that I honestly did. I guess I really never realized that I was so rude. I bet that other girl with the ballet flats was nice. I told my mom I was sorry for treating her so poorly as I watched the trees fly by as our car sped down the street.

I went home, and decided to write about this day in my journal. I made a promise to myself
If I'm ever going to we treated well in life, i need to be humble. I started my writing with "My name is Macy. And I must confess, I am a girly girl." I still want to be a fashion designer, but I have to realize that things don't come to me easily. Nothing does.

The End

Author's Note

I finally finished this small book from 6 YEARS ago. I started this short story when I was 13 years old, and I am now 18. It's crazy how time goes by. I wanted to add something I've learned in these 6 years, and that is to stay humble and work hard for things you want. I never was like Macy, but after reading again how she was, I felt like she needed this realization. Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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