Chapter 13- Back to School

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I reluctantly got up the next morning with a heavy sigh. I really didn't want to go back but I cannot keep hiding away forever.

As I was getting ready, I recalled memories of my first day of school when I was little. Mom and dad were more excited than I was. I was really nervous so dad picked me up in his arms and told me stories about his school days.

Mom had made my favourite cookies for me. They had both come to drop me off at school and wished me luck.

Then again, for my first day of highschool, I was nervous and dreading the day. I had read stories about all that high school drama and how nightmarish it can be, but both my parents comforted me and told me stories of their high school days and how they'd met each other, which helped in providing some reassurance to me at that time.

It is so weird to think that those were the same people who told my kidnappers that they don't care if they kill me.

Things started to change after my 14th birthday when they started distancing themselves from me. They started going on more business trips and spent less and less time with me. What happened 3 years ago that they started disliking me?

A knock on the door interrupted my train of thoughts. "Are you ready, Jen?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I am coming."

We were eating breakfast but I couldn't stop thinking about my parents. Max sensed my uneasiness and gave a concerned look at me. "Is everything alright, Jen?" He asked.

I nodded wordlessly. He didn't look convinced but didn't say anything either.


"You guys have two cars! Why should we all squeeze in one?!" I whined.

"Because we are all going to drop you off together." Liam grinned.

"You can still do that with two cars?" I dead panned.

Where they serious?

"We can but we don't want to." Max smiled.

"And why not?" I stared at him.

"Stop whining like a baby and get in the car." Zack ordered with an eye roll.

"Fine!" I huffed and sat inside the car.

Zack was driving while Damien sat at the front passenger seat and I was squeezed between Max and Liam. Loud rock music was bursting from the radio.

Zack's playlist, what did I expect?

"Here we are." Zack said while turning to me.

And then suddenly, realisation kicked me.

If everyone saw me getting out of a car with 4 hot boys, everyone would be staring at me, asking about them. What will I tell them?! How will I escape the spotlight?! Shit shit shit.

The four of them started to get out while I was sitting and wishing to melt down and evaporate. Why didn't I think of this before?!

Because you are dumb.

Can you please not?

"C'mon, Jen. Come out?" Max called for me.

Everyone outside was already staring at the four unknown faces. I could already see girls drooling over them. My palms were sweaty and I was nervous as hell.

"Jennifer? Is something wrong?" Max asked me. I shook my head, gathered up courage buried somewhere deep in my heart and got out of the car.

And as soon as I did, loud gasps were heard from everywhere. "Isn't it that weirdo who always hangs around with Ashley?" I overheard some girl saying.

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