the witch's revenge

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I was back in the woods. It was still foggy and freezing, the dress that was so beautiful the last time was now covered in mud, torn and looked like it had dried blood. But I didn't think I was hurt my body was way too numb to feel anything.

Hearing the sound of the river again I made my way to it. There was this awful smell and I saw a deer that looked dead the were fly's swarming it and it made my stomach turn, quickly turning around I bumped into a tree. Wobbling around for a few more steps I placed my self under a tree, holding my head as it was throbbing and my eyes were burning me.

The sky was lightless and gloomy, trees had different faces as they moved without wind. It was dark and for some reason I could see clearly, the owl hooting a mouse scurrying and a snake slithering was all made visible to me as if I had night vision.

Trying to focus my train of thoughts in how I got here I saw a figure approaching me. It looked like it was gliding and the more it approached the more it looked like a woman.

My mum I thought in excitement but the closer she got the more cold it became, it felt like the happiness and love in me was being sucked out and replaced by loneliness,fear and desperation.

"Amelia" she said in a menacing tone, my breath was caught in my throat by her appearance. She had cuts and bruises all over, her frame was too thin revealing each bone. My mother's dress was soaked with blood and ripped all over.

"Amelia, it's your fault" she cried,

"mum I'm sorry, what did I do?" I knew it was my fault I could feel the guilt crawl on my body eating me up but I didn't know how to stop it. I just wanted to stop it.

"go back to the witch, Lia"

she was not being serious I couldn't go back not when there was a chance of me being safe from them, from her. No she couldn't be asking me to do this.

"if you don't the pain won't stop,Lia please let the pain stop"

There was so much blood I didn't know were it was coming from and then she started to scream it was so high pitched I was sure my ears were bleeding. I wanted to hold her to comfort her but she kept shaking uncontrollably.

"mum!" I yelled

Something terrible was happening to her it looked like she was battling herself than she fell to the floor and whispered


I was frozen but I could feel myself being pulled back like the last time but I didn't want to leave I needed to help her.

"Mum" I bawled but it was too late she was gone again.

Waking up my sheets were soaked through with sweat and the covers were on the ground. I wanted to have a shower so I made my to the door and find the nurse but I saw Jake walking up to me he looked stressed.

"Lia, are you okay" he said while walking up to me

"ya just soar, why are you so worried??" His behaviour was weird

"never mind I just wanted to check on you" and he turned away

"Jake, what is it" I persisted, I could feel there was more and concentrated all my mind on him

<she is just fine,now stop whining>

Just as quickly as it came, it disappeared. Was that his thoughts how did I do that?? Looking around he was gone that was just weird.

Back to my main mission I needed to get a shower it was getting lighter outside and I knew I had to go home.

Nightmare or not my mother was telling the truth the witch is angry.

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